Chapter 3: Strange interests

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My lips lift into a smile as I realise who the text must be from. So the mystery man from work decided he would text me.


You're going to love me then.


I'm Corey


Hi Corey, I'm Oshani.


How was your day, Oshani?


Not too bad, I went to work, saw a handsome man and gave him my number. How was your day?


Is that so? I went to buy a coffee, now I'm talking to a beautiful girl. I'd say my day was pretty great.

I blush stupidly. This whole conversation feels like a joke and I feel like the teenage me again, getting all nervous and giddy talking to a new boy.

The conversation continues effortlessly and hours pass by. My body is filled with excitement and I am no longer sleepy. It's been a while since I've talked to a guy where the conversation flows so easily.

I've discovered that Corey is 21, so not much older than me. This is surprising to me because I generally don't go for boys my age. They're childish and their entire personality is playing video games all day and then masturbating to some unrealistic porn videos on the internet. I like older men.

In addition to this, I've discovered he's a medicine student and he's in his last year of placement at the moment. 

He's been telling me about his passion for the human body and how the blood and gore involved in the job don't affect him at all, it's intriguing to him. Apparently that's the whole reason he went into the job.

He lives on his own and visits his dad frequently. I'm glad he takes care of his parent. I love seeing people who take care of their parents.

He seems like a nice person, has his shit together. He's the kind of stability I look for in a partner.

He has no mum, apparently she would abuse him as a child and then she left him and his dad to fend for themselves, while she got married to the man she had an affair with.

He seems to have experienced similar trauma to my own life. Of course, I haven't told him any of this.


Would you like to meet up for coffee tomorrow?

Corey's message takes me by surprise. I was hoping to meet him again but I was not expecting tomorrow. 

To be completely honest, I'm not much of a coffee date person because coffee makes me need to poop within 30 minutes of drinking it. I don't feel like running off to the bathroom to shit my guts out on a first date.

Though I lean more towards the hot chocolate lovers, I decide to behave like a coffee loving adult and agree. 


Absolutely. How's 8 tomorrow?

I mentally thank my manager for giving me a late shift at 10am tomorrow. Usually, I'd be working 9-5 but tomorrow is a late start for me so I can see Corey for a bit before I have to work.


Perfect, at the coffee shop down the road from your work?

I know exactly which one he's talking about. It's a little shop owned by a young couple with the exterior painted baby blue. I've been there countless times and the vibe there is immaculate each time.


Works for me. I'm getting sleepy now so I'm going to call it a night. See you tomorrow!


Goodnight, can't wait.

I smile at his message and turn my phone off. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.


The next morning, I wake up at 6am sharp. This is surprising because usually, I'd be stuck in a cycle of turning off the 50 thousand alarms I set every 5 minutes and going back to sleep till it's 10 minutes before I have to leave the house.

Today is different. I'm seeing Corey for a coffee date and I want to appear well put together, rather than my usual work self who hasn't even brushed my hair before my shift.

The time is 6:30 and I've already ate my breakfast and showered for the day. I was sweating throughout the night from the summer heat so I figured I should shower. 

I am standing in my room, in front of my full body mirror staring at myself. I let my blue bathrobe fall off my shoulders and I am left naked in front of the mirror. My eyes skim over my body and I smile. 

It feels nice to finally love my body for how it is rather than be wishing it looked like someone else's.

My eyes fall on the large textured scar on my lower abdomen and I shiver as I am reminded of how it was given to me. I shake the memory away into the farthest depths of my mind and focus on getting ready.

I pull on my undergarments and then sift through my closet to find the appropriate outfit. It's only 6:30 but the weather is already starting to heat up. Today is supposed to be a scorcher. 

I pause when my eyes land on a simple black dress. It wouldn't be my go to outfit for a coffee meet, or for a day this hot but it seems appropriate since I have work right after. I pull the dress over my head and head over to my bathroom to do my make up. 

My hair is out in soft curls because I slept with braids in after my shower last night. I pull out my make up from the drawers and begin to apply it. 

I feel satisfied seeing my reflection once I have finished. I opted for a simpler look today and dress it up a little with gold earrings and a bracelet. 

I have some time to kill before leaving so I do some enrichment activities with Bucky. Once it is time to leave, I slip on a pair of shoes, grab my purse and keys and head out.

My car has heated up significantly from the heat outside and I can feel myself beginning to sweat already. I roll the windows down and allow my engine to warm up before I start driving. 

It's about 7:45 when I arrive at the coffee shop. I'm a little early but I head inside anyway and sit down in a table by the window. The sun is shining brightly outside but it's cool inside the coffee shop. It's not too busy and the only other person here is an older lady sitting further away. 

I check my watch and anxiously tap my foot against the white tiles as I wait for Corey to get here. I don't usually get nervous with these things. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. 

I bite my lip and look down at my outfit. Did I underdress? Overdress? I can feel my palms begin to sweat in anticipation.

A deep voice interrupts my overwhelming thoughts. I look up into a pair of familiar brown eyes. 

"Hello, Oshani." Corey smiles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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