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Her name was a strange name, Regulus had indeed never heard of it before, a name that seemed to be fabricated from an unadvanced noun, were fortuitously found in a general French dictionary, reminds one of a rare monstrous orchid -tenebrosa. It appears to be barely put into any minimum effort. It is not expected to be taken care of. Regulus calls that mediocre floridity. That one Selwyn, Tenebresa Selwyn. 

It is not even pronounced based on the original word in French. Neither fish nor fowl, seductively unreasonable. 

Her name is as exotic as her glint. As peculiar as herself. As eccentric as how one day Regulus realize he had fell in love with her and she reciprocated it.

Tenebresa, Regulus do not undertake to ever got that name right. He is suffering in the unfoundable preciseness whether or not he should be with her, they are both too arrogant -  facing each other under the best disguise they can show at every moment. He swear he genuinely do not know anything about her. When they were bound together by a specious feeling that sounds like belated regret and almsgiving.

ténèbres, the darkness, the strangeness of a black swan with a crimson red beak, the ignorance of our souls hidden corner, he thought, ambiguously, unconsciously, frenziedly, but dearly. This the very first time Regulus falling in love with someone, too, how could he define it perfectly? And he looked into her eyes, just to see she smiling strainly, while still unable to see through that beautiful smile. Oh, to be exultant and agonized at the same time, to think that he was so in love with her without understanding it. 

The cold and cheerless night suddenly covered that swan's feathers, in the meantime, the stars were still so far away in the boundless sky.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 28 ⏰

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