First meeting

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Mika pov

I hated eveyone, I hated him, How could he throw me out like that, I hated myself for caring about his opinion so much, I knew he wasn’t worth it, He never cared but that didn’t make it hurt less.

I didn’t want to go back to mama’s I hadn’t come out and she wouldnt understand why I was so upset over someone who was so awful to me.

I sighed heading to a nearby pub, hopefully there would be someone who could be a good rebound guy, take my mind off things, if not I could head to gay bar later.

"Beer please" i asked sitting at the bar with a sigh.

"Bad day?" The bartender asked as he passed me a beer.

I just shrugged I wasn't really in the mood for idol chat.

I wasn't sure how long I had been there but I wasn't drunk yet maybe a bit tipsy.

"Hey handsome" I heard someone say from behind me I looked over at him, dirty blond hair,he was cute "hey,. I'm Mika" I smile patting the chair next to me.

"Andy" The man,Andy, introduced.

"Another one for me and whatever the gentleman wants " I asked the bartender as Andy sat next me to me.

"What's a cute guy doing here by himself " I asked I knew I was tipsy but I didn't care although this guy was the first that hadn't seemed like an asshole.

"Celebrating, just got my uni results for my last peice back and top of the class" Andy says proud of himself .

"What do you do?" 

"Camera work " Andy said smiling "I want to do documentaries when I'm older."

"I want to be a singer" I told him "I mean I am, I haven't received anything yet but my first single doesn't come out for a few months but it's nearly there " I told him I didn't want to brag but I was hopeful.

"I'm sure your amazing" Andy sad which made me smile.

"My ex thought I sounded awful said that I was waisting my life" I said honestly with a sigh I wasn't sure why I was telling him all this but it help natural. 

"She sounds like an asshole" Andy asked

"He was" I said to which he smiled understanding

"My mistake, me too" 

I smiled at Andy's words it was hard to be out I was scared of what my parents would say but strangers were fine I didn't want this secret even if it was confusing for me.

"Good to know " I grinned.

It had been hours, we talked really easily. It was refreshing but I wasn't sure that was what I needed now I didn't want a relationship now. 

"I should get going my last train is soon " Andy smiled as he noticed the time 

"I can get you a taxi to the station if you like " I suggested I didn't want to leave him stranded in London as we got to the station I gave him a hug hoping he would stay or offer me to come with him.

Andy smiled nodding at the suggestion "I want to stay with you " he says looking over at me thinking.

"You mean tonight right" I laughed smiling 

"For life" Andy said simply "it's easy with you to be myself " Andy says simply.

I blinked why would anyone want to be with me forever and how could he already tell, "Well start with tonight we can worry about the rest tomorrow " I said giving him a small smirk.

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