Chapter 3 - Evelyn

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Next day
During the Chemistry class , both I And Chan were lab partners..... As I instructed him to stir the hydrochloric acid , I was boiling the Hydrogen Peroxide in the testube , suddenly I heard a scream from my opposite side .... As I turned Chan covered me....after a while , both of us looked up .... A girl named Aeyong has accidentally started boiling Alcohol directly due to which the testube burst and spilled all of the lab ..... I looked at Chan's backside and saw that the concoction had burned a huge hole in his shirt but none of his body parts were seemed to have burn even with him being the closest one to her .... Suddenly I saw his eyes , they were the palest Yellow Colour I saw .... But they were creme brown last night

Me - Hey Chan
Chan - Yeah ?
Me - Did you get contacts ??
Chan - No .... Why ??
Me - Your eyes ..... They were brown and now it's ... Yellow

Chan closed his eyes

Chan - You know's's the... release of .... Release of Dopamine in the body

And he left .

I was confused ...... Release of Dopamine ????? Weird but okay

The next period was free so I thought of starting the research about the case ...... I went to the Library and went to the librarian

Me - Hello Mrs....
Librarian - Mia
Me - Hi...Mrs.Mia ..... I want some information about the case of the girl in the hallway on the left of the Economics room

She sighs and put her glasses on the table....She was a woman of 89 .... With her wrinkled skin and trembling hands , she asked me to follow her .... I followed her to the end of the library ...... She took out a big , fat book .... The book was handsomely carved out of wood ..... As she opened the book , she took out a specific page ..... The page had a school photo , the only one in that page ..... Under the page , it was written

         Science Group , Year 1985

She pointed towards a girl in the third row from the left ..... The girl was very beautiful.... Long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes

Me - Is that ...
Mrs.Mia - Yeah..... what a girl she was ... Evelyn... As beautiful she was from the outside, she was beautiful from the Inside .... She was kind and pretty , Good in studies and good in games as well .... The heartthrob of many boys .... Well....

She pointed towards one boy in the same row

Mrs.Mia - This boy , What was his name .... Ahh yes , Haechan had a crush on her .... But she rejected him .... And you know what happened after that ....
Me - She was raped and killed, right ???
Mrs.Mia - Yes
Me - But what were the school authorities doing ???
Mrs.Mia - Haechan was rich .... Just a couple million dollars and the school authorities kept mum ..... Well that's how life is , right ???
Me - May i keep this book ??...If you don't mind.....
Mrs.Mia - Yes can

I took the book and went out of the library.....on the way I clashed with Felix , one of Chan's dongsaengs

Me - Oh Hi !!
Felix - OOO...hi .... What's that book ???

He pointed towards my Hand .... I didnt want to tell him because I was afraid that he will tell Chan....i just don't want to upset Chan because everytime I mention about Evelyn ... He gets upset

Me -'s a book .... On ....... CARNIVOROUS TREES.... Yes .... Carnivorous trees
Felix - Oooo... interesting.... please Lend me the book after you're done
Me - Yeah...ok..sure

I rushed past him and into my bedroom.... I opened up the photo book and went to the section of year 1985 ..... There were various photos of all the students....I saw Evelyn smiling in all the photos ..... But I also noticed something strange..... among the crowds of students.... I saw Chan ..... And his 7 was like that they had not aged even a bit....their skin was abnormally bright in the sun ... Almost shining....Weird ..... If Chan was here in 1985 ...... Why would he be here in 2019 again ??? College is only of 4 years .... But how is he then ???? And also maintaining the same age..... It was even more weird ......... Suddenly someone knocked on my door.... I quickly slid down the photo book under my bed

Me - Come in

The door opened , revealing a smiling cute Chan ..... He came and sat beside me.

Chan - I wanted to ask you something ...
Me - What ???
Chan - Have you...umm...heard about...the field trip ??
Me - Ohh...yeah
Chan - Do u have a partner yet ???
Me - No.... I was so busy..... I barely had time
Chan - So....i was thinking..... Would you like my partner ???
Me - Sure...why not ...

I smiled

Chan - Really ???
Me - Of course Channie

I pinched his cheeks

Chan - Thank you

But no one knew what fate had stored for them in the field trip

P.S - Another Cliffhanger......I'm sorry I wasn't able to upload yesterday because of my busy schedule but hope you like it ✨🙂

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