Chapter 8

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Everyone was quiet while I hugged my best friend. I let go and saw everyone staring at me like I was an alien. My face turned crimson and I looked at the ground.

"Uh... Everyone this is my best friend Colton... Colton this is the family I stay with now...," I say t everyone since they all looked bewildered well other than Colton.

"Oh well nice to meet you Colton I'm Tiffany," Tiffany says smiling like an idiot.

"Um... Do we have to introduce him to everyone?" I asked.

"Hmmm... Nah I'll spare him today," Tiffany laughed.

"Thank you!" I said and Colton looked confused but he'll know when he meets everyone, "Oh yeah and that's JOsh over at the stools, Richard is on the couch over there reading the newspaper, next to him is Joey, and the boy standing on the stairs looking the most confused is James," I said pointing to everyone.

"Nice to meet you guys," Colton spoke loud enough for everyone could hear him.

"Yes now... I'll see you guys... Later?" I said and rushed Colton upstairs. The sooner we're alone the sooner I can explain what happened. And the sooner that's over the sooner I can go see Dakota again.

On the way of finding our way to my room we had to stop a few times for me to remember. The only preoblem about that is... I have a terrible memory... We ended up what looked like a gym and me and Colton sat on the floor, waiting. We talked about random things and then finally we heard the door open. I look up to see one of the twins. He was looking down and he had a muscle shirt on which I totally did not expect! Then again it is like a gym. I think Jules is the one with the lip ring on the left? Right? Yeah I'm right... Well he was just mumbling something to himself and then he looked up and saw us. He jumped at the sight of us and then let out a long sigh.

"Um...  I'm sorry for scaring you but... we got kind of lost for finding my room... again," I mumbled looking down ashamed for asking yet again. Colton was glaring at Jules and I was just confused. Jules looked at me then to Colton and back to me. Then he just shook his head and motioned to follow him. We followed him to my room and all the way Colton glared at the back of his head... I'm not sure why though. Once we were infront of my room Colton went inside but I stayed out for a second.

"Thanks for helping us," I mumbled and he noded then walked away. I sighed and went inside. Colton was looking around my new room with wide eyes.

"This? This is your room?"

"Yup big room huh?" I laughed and he nodded. I sat on my bed and he sat next to me.

"So...?" he asked and I know what he meant. I told him the story of what happened to Dakota, Cooper, my mom, and then the letter. I admit I broke down in places but over all I was ok.

"Oh Maddy I'm so so so sorry," Colton whispered and hugged me, "I wish I could help in some way... Any way..."

"Just... be there for me," I buried my face in his chest hugging him back, "Do you want to go see Dakota with me? Because I think we only have about an hour before it closes,"

"Okay let's go see Dakota," Colton said smiling and then playfully smirked, "Do you know the way back or do we need to ask for directions again?"

" . . . " I let out a big sigh, "Might as well ask someone...." We left my room and I knocked oon the eighth door right next to mine. The door opened to revel an extremely tall guy with brown hair and blue eyes. I saw him this morning when everyone introuduced them to me but... I don't remember his name. Not my fault though since every kid in this house all start with a flipping J! He stared at me and I stared back uncomfortable and unable to make words. I'm not much of a talking person to newer people. I heard Colton sigh.

"I'm sorry to interrupt whatever it is you were doing but.... We need help getting back downstairs," he said nicely but his eyes held irritation.

"Well why didn't you just say so?!" the overly excited guy laughed making me jump and hid a bit behind Colton, "You're the new girl right? And you must be her friend ....?"

"Colton and you are?"

"Jonathan's the name,"

"Nice to meet you, Jonathan. Now can you help us please?"

"Sure-can-do! Follow me!" Jonathan lead the way to downstairs.

"Man, I seriously need a map or some sort of thing to know how to get to everywhere... Also a book with everyone's names and pictures in it," I muttered to Colton and he snickered. We got downstairs in about a minute or two. We then went to the kitchen Jonathan was still with us. Tiffany was on a stool drink something out of a mug.



"Is there any chance me and Colton can go see my sister at the children's hospital like right now? Please?"

"Sure sweetie. Jonathan can you drive them there?"

"Sure why not?" he shrugged. We got into his black Lamborghini and he drove us there.

When we arrived at children's hospital Colton and I went inside while Jonathan waited in his car. We went up to the front desk where a lady sat with a hopeful look in her eyes and a genuine smile. You don't see that a lot anymore... People have been losing hope on jobs and money and other things but she seems to have so much hope while I'm losing mine.

"Hello. Are you here to see someone?" the lady smiled I looked her name tag and it said Linda Moore.

"Hi... I'm here to see my sister... Um... Her name's Dakota Kozu,"

"Ah yes the adorable little girl who was check in today. Follow me," we followed Mrs. Moore into a room with many children in it who just stared at us I stopped and looked at them. What's wrong with them? They looked perfectly normal. A little boy with short brown hair came up to me and tugged on my pants.

"A-are you o-o-o-k-k?" the little boy asked me. I looked at the nurse.

"Manny here has a speech problem he's only five," she said with a sad smile. I knelt down to his level and smiled at him.

"Yes I am okay. How are you?" I asked ruffling his hair and he laughed making me feeling good.

"I-I-I'm h-ha-appy!" he smiled wide showing his little teeth.

"That's wonderful. You're adorable you know?" he nodded and walked back to hist group of little friends smiling all the way. I waved at the other little boys and girls and Colton did too. The nurse motioned for us to follow her again. We went to a door in the back of the room and went inside. The room inside was small and dim lighted. A bed was against a wall and a little girl was laying there looking fragile. She was hooked up to a monitor that beeped at her heart beat. I held onto Colton's arm for support as we walked up to the bed holding the small child.


Hello people! I'm back even though I didn't really go anywhere. Sorry for the super long wait :l   but it's taking me a while to write the chapters 'cause I have to think of new ideas for the story also then I forget the idea's or lose them and it's just a big huge mess... Also I've been thinking of new ideas 'cause I cannot controll the ideas that come into my head. SOOOO after I'm finished with this story (which might take a while...) I want to either write a 1) A story about a band that I dislike and have them do things no one would expect and stuff (the band would be one direction sorry that I don't like them but ya know), 2) a princess story, or 3) a zombie story. I have a lot more but these are my top three in order. So tell me whatcha think :P  Thank you to the people who like my story so far! Bye bye.

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