Chapter 46

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Chapter 46 Are the show crew the devil?

    What was the task of the day, the director was unable to announce it smoothly in the end, because it rained while the other guests were up.

    The rain came suddenly and heavily, with no intention of stopping at all.

    The director was trapped in the house, had breakfast with the guests, and waited for the rain to stop in the living room together.

    "What do you think about the show, can't you announce the mission when it rains?"

    "Who knows, looking at the director's unreasonable arrangement, who knows what they are thinking about."

    "The show team is cruel and tired, but even if In this way, they are still refreshing the tolerance of the audience and the guests every day, and the rewards are so small, and they are still thinking about how to get money from the guests' pockets all day long, right?"

    "There are not many show groups that complete the guests from one to the end. See, Dream House is awesome."

    Just when everyone guessed the program group's intentions on the barrage, the guests at the scene finally asked the question in their hearts.

    "Director, what is the task today, can't you tell us first and let us prepare?"

    It was Cheng Cheng who asked the question. He is the eldest brother and financial officer of Dream House, whether it is his status or the position of Dream House. It's the best person to ask this question.

    The director smiled when he heard the words, and said mysteriously: "No, then there will be no surprises."

    This is a kind of surprise, it's clearly a shock!

    "The show crew just wanted to deduct our money," he said, but Wen Nan didn't want to do it. She looked at the director resentfully, "Especially with my money, he wanted to trick me into sleeping more when I woke up in the morning. "

    Director: "..." I

    didn't expect that Yaomei, who is the least good at communication and the least fond of talking, is so vengeful!

    Everyone has seen the careful thinking of the program team, but no one said it. Wen Nan pointed it out sharply, and everyone felt relieved.

    "You guys are too cruel." Chu Xiao complained: "The living expenses we share are already less, and you still want to deduct our money, director, are you a devil?"

    Xiao Youyou replied: "It's the devil "The

    money is not enough, so they might save some money. Anyway, the consumption here is low, and there are all kinds of vegetables at home. They can always make it through. Xiao Youyou suddenly felt that the program team probably guessed their thoughts. That's why I came up with a deduction rule.     "I have no problem with deducting

    money," Wen Nan said. "My only request is that you can clarify the rules in advance."     I told you all the mission rules in advance, so how do you play?     Wen Nan: "..."     She knew it would be like this!     "Why do I think Wen Nan seems to be targeted?"     "It's ridiculous, who Wen Nan thinks he is, and the show team specially made rules for her?"     "Although it's not enough to make rules for Wen Nan, but for now It's really bad for Wen Nan to see this rule, you haven't seen that Wen Nan doesn't dare to sleep late, even if he closes his eyes, he doesn't dare to catch up on sleep?"     "It seems like... just now the director chatted with Cheng Cheng and the others. At that time, I saw Wen Nan who was sitting in the corner dozing off there."     "I also saw that, I can fall asleep standing up, which is a long experience."     "Someone's fans are really disgusting, and everyone else gets up normally. Doing the task, it becomes an advantage when you arrive at her house, I don't understand what it is to brag about."     There were fans and Heizi quarreling on the barrage, but the dream house was very quiet.     Rainy days are the most suitable for sleeping, especially when the body is already tired and sore, and the sleepiness is always more than usual.

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