lovers touch

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tw- mentions of parents fighting, anxious feelings.

a faint, silver luster paints the walls of my cool room, painting my skin with the moons glow. i can hear the strong breeze. it sings with loud whistles and gentle howls, ringing in my ears as it echoes. echoes off the drab walls of my room, engulfing me until i lose control. clasping my hands over my ears, i squeeze my eyes shut and sink down. my exposed back glides against the bitingly cold wall as i gradually slide beneath my duvet. it feels rough. nothing feels right.

zephyrs turn to wind, and wind turns to a screeching storm, thundering against my window, leaving the fear in my chest stuck within me, stripped of an escape. i had never liked wind. i hated it. it reminded me of lonely nights. the nights where everything was silent; until it wasnt. silence became the familiar ring of familiar voices, surfing along the hallway, crashing into my head like a wave. the cruel song of the storm outside was awfully alike the cruel shouts of my parents. it reeked of the pain in their voices as they desperately clung onto their last sliver of hope. maybe, just maybe, they would stop. the night would be silent and the wind would be calming.

but that was too much to ask for.
they never stopped.
they never left, either.
it was bittersweet, in a way. the way they fought and teared eachother down as soon as the moon dared cast its gentle glow upon the earth; the way they held one another as soon as the sun saved them from the moon. they did it for me. they didn't want me growing up with divorced parents. bittersweet.

a gentle touch against my damp cheek brought me back to reality. i hadn't even noticed the salty tears that had begun to uncontrollably spill from my eyes, nor had i noticed the tremor that shook my body. i didn't notice how tightly i had pressed my knees to my chest, nor the thundering heartbeat in my chest. i could only think about them. about the wind, singing their bittersweet song.

"hey .." a familiar voice sounded.

once again, a hand brushed against my cheek. it was feathery light, and for a split second, everything was quiet. the gentle feelings traced my jaw before cupping my face. opening my eyes, i saw them. their eyes shone with adoration and concern, zeroing in on my pathetic, broken expression. "i-i-," i started, ashamed. they werent supposed to see me like this.

"shh," they hushed.

i breathed sharply, opening my jaw to speak. but the words got caught in my throat. i felt like i was choking. why was nothing coming out?

"shhh, my love." they hushed again.

giving up, i leaned into their touch as it slipped away. my heart skipped a beat as the safety i formerly felt whisked away, and a whole new fear wrapped around me. had the wind taken them? did they see what a mess i truly am?

am i alone?

apparently the instant peril that struck my heart like cupids arrow wasn't too subtle. my throat forced å frightened whimper as my eyes widened.

my fear was quickly quenched.
my lovers arms snaked around my waist from behind, their head burried in my neck.

"its okay, my love. im right here." they said, their voice as soft as velvet. without hesitation, i turned around and threw my arms around their neck, hiding away in the nook of their jaw. a mellow sob brushed past my lips as a clung onto them. my lovers hands traced small eights on my back, soothing me silently. soft like the suns golden glow, full of love. true, authentic love.

"i got you."

i nodded meekly. soon, my chest heaved at the same pace as my lovers. my grip on their loose shirt had loosened. my peril was gone. i leaned back, looking at their eyes. a soft smile crossed their lips.

i .. i didn't understand.
what did i do to deserve them? how did i ever become worthy of their touch, soft as a flower? when did i become worthy of even being in earshot of their song-like voice, delicate as a butterfly's wings? when did i deserve to take up the space in their heart meant for a lover, as safe as a mother bear protecting her pups?

"what happened? talk to me, my love." they soothed me, breaking the silence. i swallowed, and once again, the words got caught in my throat. "take your time." they added. closing my maw, i breathed in through my nose. "it was just the wind." i murmured. my gaze dropped to my fiddling hands, but theirs never left me.

they took my right hand while my left wiped the wet stains off my face. i sniffled, watching as they began to trace the lines of my palm. a soft smile curled my lips upwards as i watched the beaming focus in their eyes. their touch was velvety, like silk. it was a lovers touch. with a fond, heartwarming grin, they met my adoring gaze, and my grateful, comforted smile.

what would i do without them?

874 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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