I'm Married To Louis Tomlinson

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hey guys! this is my first story! it might not be that good at the start, but i promise it will get better! oh btw Lou and El arent dating in this story she is just best friends with the boys! i hope you enjoy xoxox

Chapter 1


It's the 17th of September,  mine and Louis'  5th anniversary, thats right we've been dating for 5 years! Where has the time gone?! Anyway back to the point, Lou's taking me out for dinner tonight and i have no idea where we are going and he knows i hate surprises! I called the girls over, so they could help me find something to wear, seeing that they know more about tonight then I do!! 

when they finally got here it was 5pm i had to be ready by 7, so that gave us two hours to get me ready i n time! we got straight to it, I walked over to my wardrobe, which was huge (thanks to Louis i have an endless supply of clothes, shoes, accessories, etc) I finally decided with something to wear, i pulled out a light pink spaghetti strap singlet and a light blue mullet skirt, along with nude coloured high heels. i put it on and walked out to the girls, El's jaw dropped to the floor, then Perrie yelled out "DAAAAYYYUM GURL you look hot!' we all burst out laughing at Perrie's comment. Dani and El did my hair, curlinn my l;ong brunette hair into waves, then it was onto make-up which Perrie helped with, we went with a natural look, light foundation, mascara and light pink lip gloss. I took one last glance at the mirror, finally satisfied with the way I looked, i grabbed my nude clutch (same colour as my shoes) grabbed my white IPhone, lig gloss and my money (even though i know Louis will insist on payng like always!) and stuffed them into my clutch before finally making my way down the stairs to where Lou was waiting for me.


I waited anxiously in the kitchen for Chloe to finish getting ready. I was nervous about tonight, I have been all day. I never get nervous when i take Chloe out, but this time... this time was diiferent. Just then my thoughts were interrupted by Chloe descending the stairs. She looked so beautiful like always, I was wearing a plain tux, nothing to fancy. As soon as she got off the stairs i walked over to her, picking her up and swinging her around,  'LOU PUT ME DOWN!!!' 'what was that? keep goin, okay if you insist!' we both laughed as I put herr down, I pulled her into a hug 'you look stunning babe' i said then pulling her in for a kiss, 


we walked hand in hand to the car.. well limo. The thing with Lou is if he's gonna do something, he's going to do it the right way. I love that about him, he goes out of his way to make the people he loves happy. I know for a fact he makes me happy, i haven't been this happy since i was a kid. The car ride was about 15 minutes, most of the time I was thinking about all the times Lou has gone out of his way to make me happy, then I was interrupted the radio coming on and of course One Direction's "Little Things' was playing, we looked at eachother and laughed, the he started singing to me, I absolutely love it when he sings to me.

Before we knew it we had arrived to this beautiful resturant that overlooked the lake, and of course Lou made sure we got the best seats. We were guided to our seats, we had the table next to the window which over looked the lake, and they had placed curtains up so we could have a bit of privacy. We've already had to stop 3 times to take photo's with the fans, which i don't mind, but some fans just plain hate me because I'm with Lou. But I'm used to it now!

We sat down and a waiter came to take our orders,she looked about 19 I'll admit she was really pretty, she had blonde straight hair, with gorgeous blue eyes, she looked just like a tumblr girl. She was flirting with Lou, it was quite funny actually as soon as she left i started laughing. 


We had finished eating our dinner which by the way was delicious, then miss flirty waiter came to ask if we wanted dessert, "No thank you, we are fine" the look on Chloe's face told me that she wanted dessert. but i had a surprise in store for her.

It was time to leave. Instead of walking to the car, we walked up the street Chloe looked confused, so I explained, "We are going to get some ice cream" she grinned like a little girl, i love that about her, she can be so mature and deep, then her childish side comes out, she's so adorable.

I took her to the ice cream place we met, i remember that day like it was just yesterday.


It was 27th of october 2005 (6 years ago) I was walking around town on my way to get ice cream, when i rounded the corner i ran into a beautiful girl. we both fell to the ground, causing her to spill her ice cream all over herself "oh just great. watch where your goi-' she looked up to me and stop what she was saying, I helped her up and introduced myself 'Hi I'm Louis" i grinned "Hey i'm Chloe, sorry for.. you know" she was referring to nearly yelling at me. "It's fine love, i'm sorry for running into you, let me buy you a knew shirt to make up for it" i felt really bad for wrecking her shirt, it was a really pretty shirt. "oh no that's fine! you don't have to do th-"  I cut her off "But I want to, and I will whether you like it or not" she laughed, "if you insist" she started walking and I followed her, we went to a shop called 'TopShop' I'm assuming it was one of her faavourite shops, because the cashier greeted her "CHLOE MA GURL it's been to long! how have you been?" they had a small chat before i cleared my throat reminding Chloe that I was there and we had a mission to complete (buying her a new shirt) she turned around and sai her goodbyes to the girl behind the counter, before we walked off to find a shirt, i told her to buy whatever she wanted, but she didnt want to get anything expensive, i saw her glance at a shirt on the wall as she sighed, I picked the shirt up, it was such a pretty shirt, I looked at the price and realised what she was sighing about, it was $100 so I asked her what size she was and she said 8, i found a size out and took it to the register, she was happy but she felt guilty at the same time. SOo she offered to buy me ice-cream, of course I agreed, we went back to the ice cream bar and we were there for hours, just chatting, we exchanged numbers and ver since then we just clicked. 

~out of flashback~


i had a flash back to the day we met, I think Lou did to because at the same time i did he laughed and smiled.

As we walked into the ice cream bar we sat at the same table we did they day we met, we come here so often that the lady who works here knows our order, and before we knew it our ice cream was in front of us. except this time we just had caramel sundae's i shuggred and ate it anyway. When i neared the bottom of the cup, i noticed something sitting there, i couldn't quite figure out what it was, so i kept eating, when i finished i noticed it was writing, it read "Look Up" i looked up to Lou, he stood up, he bent down on one knee and yep you guessed it, he pulled out a ring.


Chapter One is done! i hope you guys like it, i will try and keep the chapters a reasonbale length for you all! i should be re-updating again soon! 


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