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Name: Max
Nicknames: maxxy, Lilly, rammy , boss lady
Age: 22
Height : 5'9
body type: hour glass, with some broad shoulders and wide hips.
Gender: female
Sexuality: pansexual
Race: Greek
Appearance/ face claim
( she doesn't have glasses tho!

 Gender: female Sexuality:  pansexual Race: Greek Appearance/ face claim( she doesn't have glasses tho!

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Outfits: coming soo'!
Voice claim: reagan Ridley

Personality : Hardworking, stubborn, brave, motherly, kind, intelligent
Flaws : max tends to drown themselves in work.  She usually neglects selfcare  while working. She works on digital art.
Fears: max is scared of the sea
Likes: rain, coffe, tea, sour candies, Halloween. more coming soon
Dislikes : the smell of burnt food. more coming soon
Backstory: coming soon
Love interest: Finn
Strengths: cooking, social work, archery, reading.
Weaknesses : working large crowds, taking care of themselves.
Metal conditions?: after her sisters death, she had grown trust issues. They also got a good amount of insomnia

;-; sorry it's not a lot

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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