ALJFU Ch. 10

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A knock was heard on the door waking Izuku.  Shoti was still asleep with an arm around Izuku's now sitting up form.  "Hello?"  Liz said sweetly and knocked on the door again.  Izuku carefully picked Shoti's arm up and walked to answer the door.  Izuku didn't want to leave his alpha but Shoti was not going to get up and open the door so Izuku did. 

Izuku opened the door to see Doctor Liz standing.  "Izuku nice to see you."  Liz said happily.  "I need you to come with me so I can check on your condition."  Liz said not giving anything about the baby away.  Liz knew that Izuku was a little off because of the scenting.  "Sure." Izuku said smiling.  "Great follow me."  Liz said and they walked down to Liz's office. 

"Izuku please sit."  Liz said and motioned for Izuku to sit on the doctor's bed.  Izuku sat down.  "Now I am really sorry but I am going to need you to put this mask on.  The gas will put you under so I can run some tests that I wouldn't be able to when you are awake."  Liz said and Izuku nodded yes.  Liz put the mask on Izuku and Izuku immediately went to sleep. 

"I am sorry Shoti but Izuku's condition has gotten worse.  I am going to keep him here until he is better."  Liz said to Shoti.  "No, you can not come to visit him his condition is not stable for people to see him."  Liz said and Shoti started arguing with Liz.  "I am the doctor and what I say goes unless you don't want Izuku's condition to get better than I expect that you let me do my work!"  Liz said angrily over the phone and Shoti agreed.  "Good."  Liz said and hung up the phone. 

The telephone rang and Katsuki immediately went to go pick it up.  "Hello?"  Katsuki said and Liz smiled.  "Hello, King Katsuki the plan is a success I'll let him contact you when he is better."  Liz said sweetly.  "Yes thank you so much doctor."  Katsuki said and Liz hung up the phone.  "Yes!"  Katsuki screamed out of joy.  "What's the matter King Katsuki?"  Someone asked and Katsuki shot them a glare.  "Get the troops ready,"  Katsuki said and the person nodded. 

Izuku started waking up a day after he went to the doctor.  Izuku's omega was back to normal the only problem was that Izuku could not find his alpha, alpha Katsuki.  "What am I doing here?!"  Izuku started to panic.  "Izuku!"  Liz yelled and got Izuku's attention.  "You are in my office.  King Katsuki has made a special request to contact you."  Liz said.  At the mention of his alpha's name, Izuku's omega went crazy with excitement. 

"Can I speak to him?"  Izuku asked excitingly and Liz started dialing Katsuki's number.  "Hello King Katsuki, I think I have someone who wants to talk  with you."  Liz said and handed the phone over to Izuku.  "Hello?"  Izuku said into the phone.  Izuku heard shakey breathing on the other end of the line.  "Izuku?"  The voice mumbled and Izuku started to cry.  "Kanchan!"  He cried out and tears started rolling down his face. 

"Izuku!  Are you ok?  Did Shoti hurt you?  Is he using you in any way?"  Katsuki asked and Izuku smiled.  "I am fine but he scented me."  Izuku said the last bit quietly but Katsuki still heard it.  Izuku started crying thinking that Katsuki would love him or little Chibi-chan.  "Izuku why are you crying?"  Katsuki asked his voice filled with concern.  "Do you still love me?"  Izuku asked and Katsuki was shocked.  "Of course I still love you I never stopped loving you!"  Katsuki shouted. 

Izuku smiled, "And I never stopped loving you."  Izuku said and kept crying.  "Don't cry Izuku."  Katsuki cooed and Izuku stopped crying.  "Izuku me and some people from my army are going to come and rescue you.  Izuku you need to keep pretending like you are still scented until 2 days from now, do you understand?"  Katsuki said and Izuku whipped the tears off his face. 

"I understand."  Izuku said and looked over at Liz.  Liz looked into Izuku's eyes and then looked to Izuku's stomach Izuku rolled his eyes.  "Kanchan?"  Izuku asked.  "Yes."  Katsuki said and Izuku took a deep yet shaky breath.  "I want you to know that I-we are expecting,"  Izuku said and Katsuki's eyes knitted together.  "What do you mean we are expecting?"  Katsuki was waiting for Izuku to answer. 

Izuku was shaking so hard.  Izuku wanted to tell Katsuki about the little Chibi that was on the way but didn't know how to tell Katsuki.  "Izuku?"  Katsuki said and Izuku started crying again.  Izuku was sobbing and Katsuki could hear his sobs.  "Izuku you can tell me what's wrong I won't judge you or stop loving you."  Katsuki said calmly through the phone. 

"Kanchan do you remember when we mated?"  Izuku asked and Katsuki leaned on the wall.  "Yes, why?"  Katsuki asked and Izuku took in a shaky breath.  "Never mind I'll tell you when you come to rescue me."  Izuku said and took another shaky breath.  "Izuku tell me now."  Katsuki demanded and made Izuku shake with fear.  "You know that I am an omega right?"  Izuku asked.  "Yes."  Katsuki said and Izuku shook. 

"I am pregnant!"  Izuku screamed into the phone. "What?"  Katsuki asked in shock needing more time to take in what Izuku had just said.  Izuku sat down, and his knees started to give in.  "Katsuki."  Izuku said and Katsuki shuttered at his name Katsuki knew that whenever Izuku used Katsuki's real name.  Katsuki was scared of a few things and only those things. 

1.  Mitsuki any time of the day
2.  Izuku whenever he was angry. 

"Yes, Izuku."  Katsuki stuttered out.  "I said 'I am pregnant.'  I'll let that sink in."  Izuku said and Katsuki looked at the phone in shock.  "Your pregnant?"  Katsuki asked as the phone shook in his hand.  "Yes, I am."  Izuku said and heard crying on the other side of the phone line.  "Kanchan are you ok?"  Izuku asked and Katsuki kept trying to wipe the tears off of his face. 

"I am fine,"  Katsuki said and got his crying under control.  "I am just very excited that you and I are going to have a Chibi."  Katsuki said happily.  "You are?"  Izuku said in disbelief.  "Yes, of course, I am!  I've always wanted a little Chibi running around my house and now I can have a child with my lovely husband."  Katsuki said and Izuku started crying happily. 

"You guys are so cute."  Liz chimmend in and Izuku smiled.  "Is that doctor Liz I hear?"  Katsuki asked and Izuku looked at Liz.  "Yes, why?"  Izuku said and stared into Liz's eyes.  "Can you tell her I said thank you?"  Katsuki asked and Izuku smiled.  "Liz King Katsuki wants to thank you."  Izuku said and Liz flushed.  "Thank you."  Liz said and went back to looking at a piece of paper. 

"Izuku I have to go and prepare for your rescue."  Katsuki said sadly.  "Yes go I wanna get out of here as fast as I can."  Izuku said sadly.  "I love you see you in 2 days."  Katsuki said.  "Love you too."  Izuku said and hung the phone up.  "Now Izuku before you go I want to check on Chibi."  Liz said and Izuku nodded his head yes. 

"You know the plan, right?"  Liz asked and Izuku nodded his head yes.  "I have to go back to my alpha."  Izuku gagged when he said my alpha instead of Shoti's name.  Liz giggled making Izuku giggle as well. 

Izuku knocked softly on Shoti's bedroom door.  "Come in!"  Shoti yelled from the bed and Izuku entered.  Shoti looked at Izuku in shock.  "I thought you were still sick!"  Shoti said and ran to his omega.  Shoti hugged Izuku so tight that Izuku thought he was going to pop.  Shoti let Izuku out of the hug and brought him into a sweet kiss.  Izuku was going to throw up from the kiss. 

"Come, let's watch something and cuddle."  Shoti said.  "Yes, my Alpha."  Izuku said.  Katsuki was the only thing on Izuku's mind

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