Science with Kipp

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It was a Monday morning. 

Lola hated Mondays. Always has. Always will. Like, who honestly thought it was a good idea to be awake this early and actually go into school. 

Mia loved Mondays. Don't get me wrong, she despised early mornings. Again, what is the point in being awake this early. If you can call her awake that is; she felt like death. However, Monday's lessons were always the best. The combination of lessons on this day were almost orgasmic and so, Mia started off every week on a high.

This week however, was different. As the bell rang signalling the start of first lesson, Mia stayed seated where she previously was. She had biology as her first lesson anyways, what's the point in moving?

As she waited for the Welsh fox himself, Mr Morgan, to turn up, she sat by herself, praying that a seating plan wasn't going to be provided. She was also cursing covid for ever existing. Now everybody had to be confined to one section of the school. How fucking stupid. 

And so, in rushes David Morgan himself. With his big red bag and flask in hand.

"Hi folks, sorry for being late" he said.

Fucking annoying ass Mia thought. The man wasn't even late.

As he prepared his lesson plan, those currently present in the class groaned as the diagram of the classroom littered with everybody's names appeared on the whiteboard. A seating plan. Great just great.

As Mia looked for her name on the board, she cheered at the fact she was sat at the back, in between Lola and Alex. Alex seemed like a cool guy so Mia was pleased with that placement. However, Mia and Lola had not had the best history. They had previously bullied one another on roblox and did not get on well.

Hopefully though, that was all in the past and they may be able to be friends.

Speaking of the devil, in walked Lola Nathan herself. As she walked in, she was chatting with Callum; one of Mia's best friends. The conversation appeared to be interesting as both were unaware of their surroundings. 

When Lola finally looked at the board, she noticed who she was sat next to. Kipp and Mia. 

Not Kipp ugh. Lola said to herself internally. Fucking Tory twat.

However, Mia and her had a... complicated past you could say. Yes the fighting on roblox was bad but that was all in the past now, maybe the two could join forces and become friends.

Mia was already settled in her seat by the time Lola came over. She looked up at the girl and gave a small smile.

"Hey" Lola said.

"Hi" Mia replied awkwardly.

Lola sat in her seat after that and didn't say another word to Mia. (Rude asf btw)
Michaela had come over in the place of Kipp and so Lola spoke to her instead.

Bit rude not gonna lie Mia thought. But she brushed past it and turned to talk to Alex anyways. She was right. Alex was a cool guy.

Maybe this Lola and Mia friendship was going to take a little more time...

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