The relationship

21 1 15

Life was good.

Mia and Lola were dating now and were healthy ( I think)

The two agreed on no PDA in school because ew gross yucky. Also they were way too awkward to instigate any PDA.

People knew they were dating now and they were proud (BE WHO YOU ARE, FOR YOUR PRIDE)

They weren't hiding the relationship anyways. They also told Faiyaj straight away because who doesn't love Faiyaj and his support.

The two made cliche ass tiktoks but oh well cos it was cute asf.

They made good memories (Well Mia thinks so at least)

For example: when they played on the PS5 together at Lola's dads house and Lola shouted at Mia for not cooking right <3

or on Halloween when Lola dressed up in a maids costume and looked fucking ridiculous but also like super good.

or when Lola took Mia's bus virginity and took her on a public bus for the first time. The journey was fucking chaotic and we turned Kipp's bag inside out (sorry Kipp). We also got blackmail material on Leo.

Anyways, their relationship was the epitome of romance and they were legit the best couple.

Also Lola told Mia she loved her. Mia is sorry she didn't say it back babe <3

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