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What is the definition of society? A place to make people feel horrible and worthless if they don't conform to be like you? I guess so. See, when we are growing up we are told by our parents "be who you are and never change for others", but what they fail to tell us is "society" will do everything in it's power to change us or they will just beat us down until we give into their ways or give up.
Us, as young kids and even teenagers, are battered and bruised by "society's people." These are people who came into this world and are automatically conformed to the way that they think society should be. So they make it their job to find kids who march to the beat of there own drum and tear them down. This starts with young kids to teenagers in high school. People, they are cruel. They will lie, steal, and cheat you. What people fail to see is it's not the children that need to change but the society that they are brought up in that needs to change. All you ever hear is how the world needs to change for the better but what people don't realize is that society is the main problem. What happened to caring about others and building them up to feel accepted? Now the world is turned upside down.
All people want to do is best you down until all you are is a shell of your former self. Society thinks that you have to be a size zero to be beautiful, that you have to have all the latest fashions to be "cool", and cake on fifty pounds of makeup to feel accepted. Well, I say so what if you have a little extra weight, who cares if you get your clothes at goodwill, and so what if you don't believe in makeup but natural beauty. Everyone is beautiful, perfect, worth it, talented and deserving of love.
Society, you are the ugly one, and I refuse to conform to you. Maybe if we as humans stuck together and went back to the way things were before there would be less violence, less war, less hate and more love! I want to see the world good again because I believe it can happen. People just need to open their eyes and realize the reality is no be is perfect, but we should love others anyways. I WILL NOT CONFORM! I will help make a difference in the next generation because no one deserves to be thrown into a society as cruel as the one we love in today. So here's to the day, the day everything will finally start to change and get better, because to start a movement it only takes one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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