Going back home

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Logan sees that the study was for a drug that helps mother's who were doing in-vitro help the egg latch on a little better and he was all for this cause he wanted to start a family down the road and this might be the perfect tine to do it, and he was going to be helping mothers who want to have kids of their own but they can't due to infertility issues that they have as well and he was okay with that cause if this is successful he would feel good about it cause he was going to be apart of history

"Since you are a guy we are going to take some of your sperm and put it with the egg that you are going to be receiving as well, and then we will start you on the medicine that will help the egg attach successfully and then we will monitor you of course of a few days by having you check in with us to see how the medicine is working, and if it is successful you will check in with us every month to make sure the baby is doing okay and is on track as well and is responding to the medicine as well and we will see if there is any side effects with the baby as well

Logan was okay with that cause his baby was going to be apart of him someway or another and he liked that right now cause he was going to see how his baby reacts to the medicine he has to take as well

"I hope I get a girl" Logan says as he was going to make himself comfortable right now cause he had to get the egg injected into him with his perm and he was going to hope that the egg attaches and he can move forward with the pregnancy

Logan started to take the medicine he had to take for the pregnancy to be successful as well and then he was going to be released to go home and get some things and relax and think about how his life was going to change as well after this, and then he has to come back cause the clinic staff wanted to free up room for the next patient that was going to come in for the study as well

"When you come back check back in and we will take you to a private suite where you will live for almost the whole pregnancy if you survive that far, and if you survive you will be released to go home and get ready for the birth where the hospital will be expecting you to have the baby, and if the hospital doesn't accept you can come back and we will help you deliver the baby as well" the nurse tells him cause they wanted to monitor the baby as well once Logan comes back from his relaxation

Logan leaves and he was excited for this journey that he was going to be on and he was going to be a father to a sweet little girl that was going to have his heart cause he had a strong feeling that the baby was going to be a baby girl from the get go cause he wanted a daughter for his first child of course and he could not wait to experience those milestones with her like her first tooth, crawling, talking, and of course walking and he was excited to experience everything after the first birthday like potty training, first day of school, showing her how to ride a bike, and lots more as well

More will come hopefully like next week where the pregnancy will finally hit Logan like he will get morning sickness, and have all of the pregnancy symptoms as well and he will be going back for check-ups and follow-ups as well and he will have the baby by c-section in the dead of night cause no one else knows that he is a guy having a baby as well so it is just getting started right now so hang tight

I got to make sure it's going to go write and the day isn't busy either too or I work a long stretch or open

Logan's unexpected giftWhere stories live. Discover now