Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n!  Hurry up!"

I tripped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. I slid into my bedroom whilst frantically drying my body off to get dressed. I get my body as dry as I can before I quickly dress into my school uniform. Starting down the stairs, I dry my hair with my towel.

"I'm not gonna be late, mom. See? I'm all dressed and ready." I smiled at my mother even with my bullshit words.

"Y/n, honey, your hair is still soaked." My mom told me, pulling a buttered ego waffle from the toaster and handing it to me. "If you are late for your first day, you'll make a bad impression. Now get to school on time and make some friends, please." She hugged me before kissing my forehead.

I dried the rest of the wet from my hair and went out the door. "I will, I love you, mom!"

I popped the ego into my mouth as I got into my car and drove to my brand new school. Phoenix Drop High. This school was going to be a new start for me. Well, it's not like I did anything bad to transfer here. My mom just got a job offer and we had to move. Which kind of sucks. But I didn't really like anyone at my old school. They were okay, I guess, but not really my kind of crowd.

I arrived, parking my car in the parking lot on the side of the school building. I got out, locked it, and started towards the door. But before I can reach it I am interrupted by a pink haired girl.

"Pause. Who are you, new girl?" The girl questioned with a snotty look on her face. Her two friends behind her stared at me seeming to attempt the same expression.

"My name is Y/n, and you are?" I asked back, repressing any disrespect back.

"I am the one and only Ivy of course! What are you doing anywhere near my Garroth?" Ivy tilted her head towards me in an attempt to show her dominance.


"Garroth! Garroth Ro'meave. Duh." She pointed at a blond haired guy who all I did was walked past.

I rolled my eyes at her stupid charade. I pushed passed her to walk into the school's entrance. I felt a tight grip on my arm before I was yanked back to face Ivy.

"Nobody treats me like that! I run this-" I cut her threat short by jerking my arm out of her grasp.

"Look, Ivy, I'm not too fond of the little bully-victim dynamic you want to play so drop it and grow the fuck up. You and your little cliche don't scare me. I'm not going to play along with your little mean girls fantasy you got going on, so leave me out of it, bitch." I spat back in her face. Her face lit up with shock at my response. I turn around, walking into the school leaving Ivy and her little posy behind me.

I quickly get my schedule from the office and began the long search for my locker. It was placed on the first floor on the opposite side of the building from my homeroom. "Great." I sighed to myself. I open my locker and dump all the notebooks and binders and other stuff I'll need for the school year into my locker. While putting a few mechanical pens in my crossbody bag I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a boy with jet black hair. Behind him are a browned haired guy and a pretty girl with silver hair and purple eyes.

"Hey. You're new, yeah?" The black haired boy asked me. I nodded as an answer to him.

"Well, I'm Gene, and we are the Shadow Knights." He said stepping back next to the other two people. "This guy is Zenix, and the girl is Sasha. And we saw how you stood up to Ivy. You seem like you would be cool enough to be one of us. So we're letting you into the Shadow Knights." Gene explained to me with a smirk.

"Uh-huh. So you got a little gang and your 'letting me in'?" I questioned.

"Yeah! It's an honor you're getting this opportunity... uh..." He paused not knowing my name.

"Y/n," I told him flatly.

"Right! Y/n. Welcome to the Shadow Knights!"

"Yeah, no." I shook my head. "I'm sorry and thank you for the offer, really, I really appreciate it. But I'm not really interested in joining your little gang. But thank you, Gene. Maybe another time." I declined his 'offer' as politely as could despite his enlarged ego making my skin boil.

"No, no, no, no, no. You see, you don't get to decline. This is a once in a-" Sasha stepped up, putting her hand on his arm to hush him.

"That's okay if you don't want to join, y/n. The offer will still be up if you decide on changing your mind. You can hang out with us whenever. Look, I have a liiiitle back-to-hell party this tonight, and you should totally come, y/n." She told me will a much sweeter smile than Gene did before his tantrum. "Here's my address. Party starts at 6, you can bring people if you want. I hope you'll be there." Sasha suggested as she handed me a little piece of paper with her address on it.

I took the paper from her and smiled back at her. "I'll be there. Thank you, Sasha." With that, the bell rang. The group departed to their homerooms, and I started for mine.

I deeply apologize for any spelling or grammar errors! I struggle with recognizing them while I am writing! Thank you so much for reading this chapter <3 love you all!

~ Xox Vanilla <3

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