Chapter 2

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The day has been going by quickly. Every class is boring. It's already half way through the day and every person I've tried to make friends with has brushed me off for their own friends. That's the thing that sucks about transferring schools in Junior year, everybody knows everybody so they don't need to know you. 

4th period began and I had to search to find the room. Algebra 2, strangely enough, math is one of my favorite subjects. Everyone thinks I'm weird for it, which I guess they're right but what do I care. I sat in the middle of room further from the teacher's desk. A boy with dark hair covering on of his eyes entered the room and sat next to me. 

"Hey. I'm y/n." I greeted him, hoping to Irene that he wouldn't ignore me like everyone else has. I need to make at least 1 friend today, because my mom encourages it. Even if this emo kid in my math class is what I get, I'll be satisfied. It doesn't have to be a deep friendship, just enough to tell my mom and not be lying.

He looked at me for moment before he spoke. "I'm Zane. Nice to meet you." He said back. It was hard to tell his expression his face half covered his hair and a mask. 

"Nice to meet you, Zane." I smiled at him. "So... how long have you been living here?" 

"Since I was a kid, I guess. Did you just move here?" Zane asked me.

"Yeahh. My mom got a job here and we had to move. No biggie. Just kinda sucks I don't know anyone here." I explained to him, slouching back into my desk chair.

He let out a quiet chuckle, "I've lived here my whole life and I barely actually know  anyone here. So i guess we're both kinda loners, huh?"

"I guess so." I grinned at Zane. "But I feel like individual is more fitting than loner. Loner sounds depressing and desperate. I'm pretty content with not being super close with people." Which wasn't a lie or anything. It's fine not having any close real life friends. It does get a little boring having no one to hang out with though.

Class began and the long day continued. At lunch I sat outside with the Shadow Knights. As for the rest of my class I introduced myself and had some small talk conversations with around 50 different people.

 The end of school finally arrived and I walked out of the building to see Sasha again, standing by herself. "Hey, girl!" She chimed as she stepped towards me. "Don't forget, the party is tonight at 6, do you still have the address?"

"Yeah, I've got it."

Sasha nodded, "Great. You don't gotta dress fancy or anything, just a casual little get together." She told me. I thanked her, we said our goodbyes and I walked to my car. 

I drove home and entered the house to be greeted by my mom. I assume she just got home as well. "Hey, y/n. Did you make any friends?" She asked pulling me in for a quick hug.

I thought for a moment. "Yes. Well, kind of, yeah?" I shrugged. 

My mom sighed softly, "I hope tomorrow it'll be a more clear yes. I'm really sorry we had to move here midway through high school, darling."

"It's okay, mom." I confirmed, "oh! Oh! There's a back-to-school get together at this one girl's house, Sasha, at 6. Can I go? I could make friends there."

"On a school night?" She hesitated and let out a sigh. "Yes, but be home by 9, no later. Okay, y/n?" 

"Okay! Thanks, mom. I love you." I hugged her before heading upstairs into my bedroom.

I entered my bedroom and changed out of my uniform. I threw on a cropped tank top, a pair of cargo jeans, with a black sweatshirt over it. (If you would like, it could be something else) I got into my bed and started drawing. What felt like an hour passed. I picked up my phone to check the time and it was already 6:21. "Oops." I got up and put my sneakers on and my phone in my pocket. I shot down stairs, yelling, "Bye! Love you, mom!" I got into my car and put Sasha's address into google maps.

I arrived in the front of a nice, two story house. I got up to the porch and knocked on the front door. A moment passed and the door flung open to see Sasha. "Y/n! I'm so glad you actually came! Come in." She said, making room through the door way for me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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