First day of school

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Waking up at the sound of my alarm. I get out of bed dreading the day its the first day back of my junior year. Let me tell you im excited. Even tho im a little irritated with waking up at this time again but its all cool,kind of my fault with staying up all night reading wattpad and hentai. Yes, I watch and read hentai I don't know why. I hate real porn but love hentai.

Anyways I need to focus!!! I tell my self walking to my bathroom. I take a wash up to refresh. Call me nasty i don't care. I take a shower at night and a wash up in the morning. That's why I have night underwear and day underwear. After my wash up I walk to my closet and pick out what I want to wear.

  I stare at my closet trying to think what I want to wear. When I started to reach for some clothes my phone ringed. I walk to it see that it's Kamron. My bestie since 6th grade love her.

Kamron:Hope you up and dressed. You can't be late this year bestie.
Zuri:Gurl shut up and I'm up don't know what to wear
Kamron:Just pick something cute
Zuri: Ok see at school love you
Kamron: love you tooooo

After reading her text  I tose my phone on the bed. I then start to look at my clothes again. I don't know what to pick. So I chose something cute and simple.

 So I chose something cute and simple

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I get  my bag and walk down stairs. I hear laughing and giggles. Walking into the kitchen I see My mama,Papa James and Kalise or Kali for short. Looks like they are trying to feed her. "Morning peopleeee!!" I said spinning around smiling. "You look cute ready for your first day?!" My mom say coming to hug me like I'm a freshman. "This is my third year mama." I said kissing her cheek. "Oh whatever,Anyways eat something and get your ass to school." mom said pushing my head towards the food.I make me a breakfast sandwich on my everything bagel. Lord knows how I love my everything bagels.

I grab my sandwich and kiss Kalise as she giggled and talked in her baby talk. "Bye guys Love you." I said hugging James. I walk to the front door and grab my keys, book bag and some candy that's in the bowl. I walk out the house getting into my car putting every thing down. I bluetooth my phone before puling out of my drive way.

I listen to my music while riding to school. The ride to school is 10 minutes not really far. So it didn't take me long to get to the school. I pull up and park in my parking spot. I grab all of my stuff getting out.

I seat down on one of the chairs in the commons and play on my phone. Waiting for the bell to ring. "Hey everyone has to go to the gym. We are making announcement." Mims said. Our principal. I nodded grab my purse and note books and walk into  the gym. My school it pretty big now. They rebuilt our school since more people where coming. So we aren't bunched up on each other.

     I walk in and hit up my girl gabby to see if she was here yet. I smile when I see  her waving. I walk up the benches.

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