chapter 1 - uniform feitsh

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dararararari, when i look at you, the music is a melody for you yeah.
you're the muse, so listen carefully.
play it.

"go sleep, it's 2am already," doyoung jumped in shock when his brother opened his door to remind him. he hummed in acknowledgement and looked at the long conversation he just had with yedam -- probably the longest they ever had. 

doyoung and yedam knew each other since they were 13 in middle school but were not close then, for they were in different friend groups. honestly, they were very different from the start. yedam steered towards the smarter side, kept himself busy with studying to maintain his scholarship. however, doyoung the social butterfly, was always in the popular group and trying to keep his grades afloat. they would seldom interact unless it was necessary, maybe a group project or a collaboration between their clubs. 

they were admitted into the same high school, and nothing changed. same class but different friend group. they had gotten slightly closer, talked a little more in high school as they knew each other for a longer time, compared to their other classmates. they even ended up together in the same project that lasted a whole year when they were sixteen. that year, feelings still remained strictly platonic, which was also why doyoung did not understand what he was feeling right now. 

why was there suddenly a tug of the heart when he texted yedam? 

ironic enough, the smart and good student was the one that experimented with a couple of relationships in the past, probably also because he did not have the heart to say 'no' to anyone. on the other hand, the popular kid, though confessed by both males and females, never liked anyone, let alone have a relationship. this tingling, butterfly feeling in his stomach was so foreign. 

never would both of them have thought that covid-19 would have brought their relationship on another level. that day, doyoung accidentally brought home yedam's science book on a friday and the fox-eyed needed it over the weekend to complete his report. however, doyoung had guests over at the apartment the next day and could not give yedam back the book. hence, the fox-eyed decided to go over to the younger's apartment and ended up joining doyoung and his friends in their fun. everyone went home happy but got the unfortunate news the next day that doyoung was diagnosed with the virus and had to self quarantine. 

when he first found out, doyoung was scared to the wits but panicked as he messaged his friends that they should all test for the virus, just in case they catch it from him as well. he started bawling his eyes out, afraid of what the virus might do, he is going to inconvenience his family and his friends might catch it from him as well. just then, he got a call from the unexpected yedam, simply checking up on him. however, all yedam got was crying sounds and whimpering, which led to an hour call of the fox-eyed trying to comfort the red-hair that everything would be okay.

perhaps, that was the first time doyoung felt yedam's warmth and his heart started beating towards that direction. 

currently, doyoung had already recovered from his plight and yedam had caught it from the younger the day he hanged out at his house to fetch his science book. how coincidental. it was doyoung's turn to distract yedam from the pain the older was feeling in his throat and body ache. throughout the week, they started to text alot more as yedam had nothing to do but rest at home. their conversations went wild from talking about how twins were born half the size of a normal baby to how yedam had incredibly sexy hands that doyoung accidentally mentioned. 

the male was about to sleep after his brother reminded him to and scrolled up the chat to laugh at the recent conversation, where he brought up his fetish. 

yedam hyung

i honestly feel
however ungoodlooking someone is
as long as one wears a suit
or a blazer

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