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Lightning divides, a thoughtless gaze into electricity that speaks into an endless infinity. In the moment that light decides, a temporal shift of energy overrides one's sanity. Breaking sky, shattering eyes, a breathless tear for the inevitable demise. Inner shell petrification from swallowing your fears, churning anxiety in one's bellows I breathe a storm of illumination. You must follow the singularity of light in the eternal darkness. In reflection of momentary psychosis, the stakes are far too high for humanity. A sacrifice to the Gods that don't exist, to the future that I'll miss, and my brothers and sisters that only take blindly. One must go quietly loving; for no loudness of sound will terrify the world into a prosperous change. I'll listen to your music and walk your path, a forgiving forest that will soon be something of the past. For the fear that I swallowed is approaching near. There's a physical waking nightmare that is soon to come and has already begun, that will decimate all your fragility. The wonderful thing about being human, is that once you break free from the torment of insecurity, you'll find that we're all the same. Little stars in infinity. A miracle it is, that we have the chance to light up the world and make it more beautiful, more pleasant for all, and to experience sunshine. For when lightning strikes, don't wish for a lonely death. Embrace another that loves you the same, and fall peacefully before the rift of time.

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