Ch2:My Lovely Best Friend

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*3rd Person POV*

"Y/n,I will be leaving to do some business and blend in more with the humans...If something bad happens just tell me"A man who is known as Muzan said to his younger sibling

"Yes brother! Watch out for Demon Slayers!"Y/n said hugging her Older Brother"Heh! Thx.."Muzan said while waving goodbye then vanished

"Hehehe!~ Brother sure is amazing!"Y/n said aloud

*Y/n's POV*

"Hmm...Let's go read some books!"I said to myself and went to the library 'Hmm~ now..which one should I read?..' "Aha!"I said holding up a book

"Ooohh!~ This book looks interesting!~"I stated but then felt the sudden urge to eat

"Oohh!! Welp..let's go eat first then"I groan putting the book aside

"Kira! Kira!!"I shouted while walking in the hallways looking for the said person

"Yes Lady Y/n...What may I do for you?"A girl which is Kira asked me

Kira and I are very close to eachother we are Best Friends...she's always the one who takes care of me when Brother isn't here

"I want to eat!"I stated "Ah! I see...well if what I remember is correct then there should be at the storage room for human flesh, Master Muzan said that if you're hungry then I should give you those.."Kira said

"Okie!, Let's go Kira!"I said while walking "Coming!"Kira Replied

*Timeskip:At the storage room*

"Woah! It's a little bit cold but there's so many!!, But I can't possibly eat THAT many all by myself.."I said secretly wanting to eat with Kira..but literally tho it's too many for me to eat alone

"*Sighs* Y/n, I know that you want to eat with me but I can't, Master Muzan said that it's only for you"Kira said already knowing what I was thinking

"Aww man! Fine!!"I pouted "Gosh! Sometimes you're really childish.."Kira stated "No i'm not!"I replied "Hehehehe!~ See!"Kira teased


"Hey Kira?"


"Can I visit someone?"


"Why not?"

"Master Muzan said that you're not allowed to go outside when he's not here"

"Well...Then can you check on someone for me?"

"Sure, But who and where is that someone?"

"His name is Rui, Lowermoon 5, He lives in Mount Natagumo.."

"Ahh..I see alright then I'll go now so I can make it before sunrise!"

"Ok! Be careful Kira!"

"I will thx!"

*Timeskip:At Mount Natagumo*

*Kira's POV*

'Now..where is he and why do I smell something familiar?'

I look around until i spotted a Demon Slayer who was about to cut off a demons head..I looked at the demons eyes and It said that he's a lowermoon but I didn't know which lowermoon he is since I quickly sprinted towards the demon and grabbed him and put him on my back

"W-who are you!?"The demon asks "I am Kira, Lady Y/n's Assistant and caretaker, And you?"I replied I couldn't see it but his eyes widened but quickly turned back to normal

"Rui, Lowermoon 5"Rui stated and this time it was my turn to widen my eyes 'So..he's the person Y/n was talking about...' "Ah! I see.. actually Lady Y/n sent me here to check up on you..but from the looks of it you and other demons were attacked by Demon Slayers"I stated

"Yea..Also thx for saving me and I'm healed now I can run on my own"Rui said gesturing me to put him down, And I put him down

*Timeskip:With Y/n*

*Y/n's POV*

"Oh my gosh! Rui are you alright??!"I said running to Rui after seeing his clothes covered in blood

"Mhmm! Honestly I'm only ok because Kira saved me from Demon Slayers"Rui replied "Thank you so much Kira!, You're not hurt too right?"I asked with concern

"No Lady Y/n, I am fine"Kira assured me "Alright good!"I sigh in relief

"Amira!"I shouted "Yes, Lady Y/n?"A girl asked "Amira, can you pls show Rui to his room?"I asked "Ofc! Follow me this way!"Amira stated

"And Kira get changed, you're clothes are covered in blood aswell"I said "Yes, I'll be changing now"Kira Replied then went to her room

'Those Demon Slayers! I'll make them pay once brother gets back!!'

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