Chapter 7 (Toilet)

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I am kinda curious about something. Do you guys really want Y/N to end up with Kaizo?

Like I've already added so many anime characters and there might be more in upcoming chapters. So there are like chances that your favourite character might be in the book. So do you still want Y/N to end up with Kaizo?

I mean its a Kaizo fanfiction so she'll end up with Kaizo ofcourse.
But I am just kinda curious.

And to be honest I myself don't know what is going on with this book. Ironic, isn't it?



"You do know that its very rude to spy on someone, don't you?"

"Uhh well its my room. So I can come whenever I want" I replied.

"Its Anya's room too. Anyways, mind telling me how tf you cleaned so fast?
" He asked.
"Adrien and Deku helped me." I replied.

"But they were in just 1 classroom." He said and my eyes widened.

'Holy bucket of shrimps- I was supposed to clean all the classrooms not just one'

"Let me guess, you cleaned a classroom but not the classrooms" He said with a smug face.

Ugh. How badly I wanted to punch him that time. He was the one who reported that to Admiral.

"I've a deal for you" He said and I gave him a confused look.

"I've Academy's public bathroom cleaning duty today and I want to practice right now. So if you'll clean that 1 bathroom then I can free you from your cleaning duties" He offered.

"You want me to clean toilets now" I gave him a 'are you serious' look.
"1 bathroom or 4 big classrooms?" He asked making me sigh.
"Fine. I'll clean the bathroom" I replied.

"Now I should go and prepare myself for the match" He said and stood up.
"Umm about the match, what is the timing?" I asked.
"Sharp 5pm" He replied.

"Can I come?" I asked.
"If you want to" He replied.

"I-I'll c-cheer for you"

'Fuvk why the hell I stuttered'

He stared at me for a second then brought his face closer to mine.
I just stood there frozen.

"You better" he said with a smirk.

"Are you both gonna kiss now?" Anya asked out of nowhere making both of startle.

"Anya? I thought you were asleep!"
"Not anymore"

"Were you both flirting?" She asked with those adorable eyes.
"No we weren't" Kaizo cleared his throat and left making me sigh.

"Do you like him?" Anya asked while hugging my legs.
"No, of course I don't. He isn't even my type." I replied making her frown.

"Are you free now? Can we play now?" Anya asked and started jumping.
"Sorry Anya but I've to clean bathroom." I replied and she nodded with a frown.

"There, there" I slowly caressed her hair.
"I'll come back soon and then we will play alot of games" I said and left.


'Holy cow wtf is all this'

My eyes widened looking at the mess infront of me.
Floors were wet. Taps were on. Everything was in a mess.

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