03- Toward the Broken Sky

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Toward the Broken Sky

Nanoha's first thought was that she had pick a terrible spot to fall asleep: It was hard, cold and full of dust. She slowly opened her eyes and look around her, when did she decided to take a nap on the roof? She attempted to sit up but a sudden burst of pain made her stop and bite her lip before she screamed. Her entire body felt numb and something warm seem to be dripping down her forehead.

She reach up to touch it and saw the sleeve of her Barrier Jacket was torn apart, her other hand was holding Raising Heart but when Nanoha directed her gaze notice the device's red core was full of cracks and look like it was about to break. What had happen? Did she...?

The memories returned to her at that moment: The attack, her battle with Ulquiorra, her last attempt to fire a Starlight Breaker and the sudden realization that she wouldn't make it in time... then the resulting explosion in which she barely avoided a direct hit in the last second.

Nanoha greeted her teeth and try to move again. Her body protested and tremble in pure agony but she forced herself up, using her device as a cane and support. Her Barrier Jacket was torn and cut in several places, with red stains from the wounds she sustained.

"Raising Heart... are you al-alright?" Nanoha asked her device, ignoring the pain on her chest when she spoke which signal a broken rib, maybe more than one. Her Barrier Jacket tight around her torso to keep the bones in place in an automatic response.

Raising Heart's frame was full of cracks but still the red jewel in the center responded with a red glow.

"All... Ri... ight... Mas... ter" the voice sounded like it was coming from underwater.

Nanoha nodded, that will have to do even if seem far from the truth at the moment.

"You survived, woman" Ulquiorra's voice was as cold and calm as ever. Nanoha look up to see him appear above her, his wings extending to his side to block her view. "If you had taken a second longer to fire that half charge attack my Cero Oscuras would have kill you, fascinating. But it seems that was all you got, was it not? Such a pity."

Ulquiorra descended and form a new green javelin in his hand. Nanoha wanted to answer but the oppressive aura emanating from the Arrancar was so intense that it took all of her remaining strength just to stand in front of him. Ulquiorra step closer and the energy spear move towards her chest to deliver the final blow. Nanoha could only watch as the tip got closer and closer.

"Protection" a mechanical voice interrupted the silence.

"Raising Heart!" Nanoha recover her voice and a small pink barrier block the advancing spear but it just hold it for a second before it crack, alongside the red jewel in Raising Heart's core. With a faint glow her Barrier Jacket disappear as well and Nanoha fall to her knees when her support fail her, holding the remains of her device.

"... Seems you still had some fight in you" Ulquiorra look at Raising Heart for a second. "So that thing had a mind of its own and was worried about you... how worthless."

He lifted his arm to impale her once more and Nanoha knew this time she wouldn't be able to stop it. The spear descended, almost in slow motion, as her eyes grew blurry from some tears that push against them. She was not sad for herself but for those in the control room, for Hayate who she let down and for her little girl, Vivio, who she wouldn't be able to see again.

Nanoha wanted to move for them, to fight on, but even if her spirit was strong it could not give that strength to her body. She was going to die there, she realize with the green glow getting closer, and there was nothing she could do. Her last thought was for that woman she love above everyone else. 'I'm sorry Fate-chan, I hope I can see you again someday' and then...

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