-- chapter 15 --

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it was dad. laying on the hospital-bed.
i started crying.
i couldn't yell his name, he may not know who i am.
i have no idea.
he'd be like 'what are you doing here?'
i rode to a room.
alone. with no other people.
actually i liked that.
i had an really bad headache.
i asked for a glass of water.
minutes later, i asked where's my phone.
they found it & gave it to me.
i checked my notifications.
i got 30+ missed calls from mom.
& other things which didn't really matter to me.
i wanted to know if they called my mom, if she knew what happened, that i'm here.
i asked it, and the nurse said that they haven't called her yet.
i freaked out. wtf? they should've called my mom at first of all.
so that declares why i have 30+ missed calls. i called her back. she picked up: 'WHERE ARE YOU? IS EVERYTHING OKAY?' i said: 'i'm in the hospital, mom. come visit me please!' 'OKAY I AM ON MY WAY!' she said in a very hasty way. i locked my phone & fell asleep. 10 minutes later, someone knocked on my door. it was mom. bryson was still here on a chair in front of me. i said: 'yeah, come in!' 'huney, where have you been? what happened?' 'i broke & dislocated my ankle. nothing earnestly or something' 'okay'. it became evening. it was 9pm. bryson was still here. my mom too. i asked if bryson wanted to go home, because it was late. i didn't want him to, but he also has family. i said: 'bry? don't you have to leave? it is late & your mom probably waits for you' bryson answered: 'no baby, i want to stay here till everything is okay.' i felt my eyes becoming wet and said: 'i love you baby' 'i love you too, my everything!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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