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"i remember the time i almost got suspended because i almost hit jeno's face with a ball-" jaemin confessed, all of them laughing by the picnic table. "because i was mad at him for spilling my coffee when he picked up our food. plus, he was running around from the counter to our seat!"

haechan giggled, turning off his ipod and continued eating. he witnessed the part where he almost hit jeno at the gymnasium for spilling his coffee, which definitely spilled around jaemin's favorite shirt.

"when it spilled through his favorite shirt jeno got scolded and he was like 'yah lee jeno, what did you do to my shirt? it's all ruined and it's hot! like super hot! are you kidding me??? are you trying to burn and make me lose it???' and he got scolded [ giggle ]"

"yeah definitely because he was running from there to the table." renjun rolled his eyes, placing his tea on the table.

"shouldn't have ran because i was rushing."

"why'd you rush at first?"

"i don't know?"

jeno shrugged, raising one eyebrow at renjun.

"wait i remember! when renjun lost at the arts contest and he was like making it more fancy for him to win, and then he still lost? do you remember when renjun was like trying to aggressively splash the paint for him to win then like he still lost?" jeno widened his eyes pointing at renjun, smiling.

"yeah, yeah, i did. i was like trying my best to win but still lost. should've took the design course instead," renjun sighed, facepalming after regretting taking arts course. he knew he should've taken design school and all will be alright.

"isn't design school harder--"

"not much. i have some skills."

"i mean it's hard. but you can-- learn ?? that's why i said i should take design school."

"so you're telling me you're gonna quit arts?"

"YOU'RE QUITTNG ARTS?" jeno almost choked on his tea, grabbing a napkin to wipe his mess. hence, he never knew renjun's gonna quit arts. so then, he was confused because everyone knew and not him.

"well, yes i am. but it's alright. i'll take design school." renjun nodded, sighing once again while thinking decisions whether if he could take design school or maybe stay the same. "i'm not sure yet, but i'll update you guys,"

"you sure wi-" haechan's words got cut off when a guy passed him beside, giving him a piece of paper folded. ".. aren't you the one who tapped me at the shoulder at the cafeteria?"

the three were surprised. he didn't even really see that guy coming around. hence, jeno knows who he is, but the three -- jaemin, renjun, haechan > no.

"oh, hey mark!" jeno waved, smiling while the three looked at him in confusion, jaws dropped.

that's Mark. mark minhyung lee, the most popular guitarist of the school band "marceline". he's the main rapper, too.

"hey, jeno! who are they?"

"i'm actually the one whom you tapped at the shoulder. actually, haechan. donghyuck or hae. music major."

"oh, aren't you the haechan who was singing billionaire with... jeno?" mark familiarized the younger's face, pointing at the younger himself.

"oh-- yeah! me and jeno did a duet 2 years ago, i didn't know you were there to watch, too. and i've heard you from some campus posters, you're the guitarist from marceline, right?"

"yeah, i am! also, your voice was really nice when you sang it with jeno."

"mmm, we're siblings."

"oh, you guys are siblings?"

"yeah, jaemin, jeno, and i are siblings!"

"i see, i see."

the moment haechan was talking to mark, his ex-girlfriend was looking at haechan and mark, death stares targeting haechan.

"such a witty guy," the girl said, crossing her arms still watching haechan.

"i will. i will come and get him. he's mine forever."

the moment mark and haechan stopped talking, everyone on his table had their eyes on him!

".. why are you all looking at me?" haechan flinched at the sudden stare and the smile they kept. the three, oh well, they're witty enough for love, but if it's haechan they're all in.

"meant to be, meant to be!!!!" said renjun, making a heart and jumping in excitement.

jeno and jaemin, on the other hand, shaked haechan who was genuinely confused of that random "meant to be thing". haechan doesn't even know what it meant. plus, they've just met.

".. we've just met?? take it slow..?" haechan still was confused but then the three stopped and their smile faded afterwards.

"i-- what is wrong with you guys ...????"

guess all of them were witty enough, anyway.

"oh, yeah, folded paper."

haechan forgot about the folded paper. he unfolded the paper and had the writing,

"hey, can you be my prom date?"

haechan was shocked over the sudden offer, gasping as he covers his mouth with his hand.


the three had their eyes on haechan again, passing it from him to jeno to jaemin to renjun. haechan's heart dropped, not even speaking a single word.

"did mark write this..???" asks jeno. he doesnt even know much about it, somehow maybe it was a mistake somehow maybe it was on purpose.


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