photobooth kiss

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summary: peej tells baylen to kiss u in the photo booth
warning: none

(3rd person)

You,baylen,peej decided to go to the mall all together and get some decorations for the house, and of course get some candy and other sweet foods.

After finishing shopping at target which we were  trying our hardest not to get kicked out, we decided to go through the main mall entrance which was in target so we would be able to go get food in the mall.

On our way there Baylen and I spotted a photobooth. "Peej do you mind if y/n and me go in the booth?" baylen asked and Peej simply didn't mind.

(Keep in mind you and Baylen have been dating for a little more than 2 months and still haven't had your first kiss.)

You and Baylen put in money and selected how you wanted the outline to be. Now you guys started to do poses. The first pose was both of you with your middle fingers up and your tounges out. Second pose was the finger hearts, one side of the heart were your pointer and middle finger creating a heart than the other side was baylen doing the same thing. The third pose was Baylens arm around you and you having the rockstar hand pose up as well as both of you smiling like your the most happy people alive.

Once the photo was snapped baylens phone goes of and he read "kiss her" and the text was from Peej.

Baylen being baylen was so scared but did it anyway. He looked at the camera then turned to look at you and put his hand on your neck and his lips on yours while you kissed for the very first time. The photo snapped and you two smiled wildly at each other. Baylen paid to have a video of it and put the photo strip of us kissing in his clear phone case and he said he "would hang up the other photos." When you two walked out of the booth baylen nodded at peej letting him know he did, and his smile kind of already gave it away.

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