Chapter 1

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I stare out the window taking in the sights that I haven't seen in weeks. I've missed the fresh air, I haven't even seen the snow yet. I love snow and I'm out as soon as the ground is covered in white. I love having snowball fights and building snowmen. I spin round at look straight at Kim. I gave her an evil look but she doesn't see my staring because she's concentrating on the road. I feel this is all her fault.

"Where we going again." I asked. She took a glance at me then went back to the road

"I already told you Krissie, we are to see a nice lady called Nancy, she will look after you."

"Why." I narrowed my eyes at her and she looked at my scowling face through her mirror.

" Your Mum needs a bit of time to getting everything sorted dear and then everything will be back to normal.

"What about my hair." I run my hand through my way too short, messy brown hair.

"Your hair might take a while to grow."

"But I hate my hair, I look like a boy."

"Course you don't, you look brilliant!" I roll my eyes at the sarcasm in her voice and turn back to face the window. She sights now are unrecognizable but the perfect sheet of white snow even makes the dirty dull streets look brilliant. Houses and shops pass then we come to a sudden holt. I see a woman standing on her doorstep, I'm guessing it's Nancy. We get out and she waves. Yep definitely her. She's short with short brown hair and brown eyes. She has glasses and she has a friendly smile on her face. I slowly get out of the car, not wanting to go any nearer but I know I have to. I take hold of my mums hand, and walk towards Nancy. She greets me and I respond back. I am extremely quiet, I always am around new people, I'm just that kind of person. Shy. We walk into the house and Nancy shows us around. There's is more who I'm introduced to as Tad and Mark. They are Nancy's two real sons. I'm told that her husband Dave will be home later after work. We go upstairs and I'm shown ny bedroom.

" This will be your room, hope you like fairy's and pink." Nancy told me.

I did like it, I was such a girly girl but I couldn't help but burst out crying. I just wanted to go home with mum. But then again that isn't really my home anymore....

I sit on the couch staring at the floor and picking at my nails. I just met Alfie, he's another kid 'in care' I don't really know what this means yet. Alfie's only really young so it doesn't understand anything anyway. He is really cute, he's got ginger hair and I know I'm gonna like him. I hear the front door go and I lose my train of thought. It must be Dave. Oh great more people. I sigh. He comes round the corner, he greets me then introduces himself. I greet him back and he sits on the sofa. Nancy comes in a little later with tea. She gives me jacket potato and I just sit there picking at it. She asks me what's wrong and I tell her nothing. I don't eat any of it. It didn't matter, I didn't feel hungry. That makes a change from normal, I have it admit! For the rest of the evening we watch tv. I go up to bed and Nancy says goodnight. She walks out the room but there isn't no way I'm going to sleep. Not for a while. I just want me mum back ...

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