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Third person's pov

He smirked as he see through mirror nicholas cursing at him.

' but who was that girl  ' he thought

He was able to catch a glimpse of her face. She was beautiful. Her beautiful face keeps coming infront of his eyes.

He pick his phone and call his secretary

"That girl with nicholas" he speaks

And hangs the call.


"Boss here is the information" said  alonso his secretary giving him the file about girl.

He clicked his fingers towards alonso and alonso leaves the office.

Now the man and the file is all left in the room.

He opens the file and his breath hitched. There was a picture of a girl smiling at something. Her eyes twinkled as she smiled and her cheekbones move upwards making her look  exquisite. Her hairs are open and are flowing in wind.

He was mesmerised by the beauty.

He then turn the page reluctantly and there were the details of the girl.

Name :- Riddhima

'no surname. Interesting very Interesting!'

Birthday:- 6 January 2005

Age :- 17

Guardian:- orphan lives with aunt and she died few days ago.

"Then what was she doing with nicholas aramis de luca."

The man frowned

He read further details

Hobby:- singing, dAncing, cooking , reading and hates studying.

The man chuckled at this.

He then presses the intercom

Alonso comes inside

"Yes boss "

"This file doesn't contain the details of what that girl doing with nicholas." Man asked coldly to his secretary

" Boss i think that she is his playgirl. As you know how nicholas is a play boy." Alonso said

Something stirred inside him when he heard 'his' play girl.

The man nodded And dismiss him.

He then opened first page again and look at the photo intensely

"Don't worry sweetheart your Ethan is coming for  you. Soon. Very soon"


Hailey's pov

Nickie mickie cursed the car driver and then looked at me.

He glared me

Huh! Why!? Ain't i saved him just now.

"Why the hell you push me are you insane." He said through gritted teeth.


"I..i thought to save you f.. first" i stuttered as i notice his eyes turning dark.

He hold my hand and starts dragging me.

I hissed as it hurt my leg.

My eyes become teary and i sniffled

He stopped and i looked at him with teary eyes.

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