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Rody is nineteen and is currently helping out on his family business and yes he is rich. Izuku and Hitoshi are going to be seventeen turning eighteen, of course Izuku will be the youngest among the three. No quirk AU

Now who's ready for a 200 chapter oneshot book💀

Rody walked through the halls of his mansion making a beeline to the bedroom he shared with his boyfriend's. He was working till midnight because of the upcoming winter season coming up. He wanted to spend the whole month of December with his boyfriend's, he couldn't do that when there where stacks of paper work on his desk now.

In present time, he didn't actually spend time with his boyfriend's the whole day neither did he spend anytime with them the whole week. Rody was eager to finally cuddle and sleep in his boyfriend's presence that he quickened his pace almost slamming the door if not remembering that his two boyfriends could be sleeping.

But to his surprise the two where wide awake, sitting on the ground to be precise the two sharing a bowl of popcorn whilst watching a flipping anime that has over about a thousand plus episodes. He glanced at screen seeing that the two where currently on the five hundredth episode. 

"Hey Rody" Hitoshi groggily greeted stifling a yawn at the end of his sentence. Izuku just nodded at the brunette, the two clearly tired and wanting to sleep.

Rody stalked forward a smile present on his face as he crouched down to the two. "Hey sweets, why haven't you two slept yet?" He asked bringing the two close to him.

"We wanted to wait for you" Izuku replied taking the remote and pausing the episode, he huddled closer to Hitoshi who draped an arm around his waist.
"Well you two are clearly tired go to the bed and sleep, I'll join the two of you later once I get a shower okay" He stated enticing a whine from the two not wanting to move from their spot.

"Fine then, if the two of you won't get your asses up and on the bed I'm going to send you two back to your parents"

Izuku and Hitoshi immediately got up basically tackling each other on the bed. Don't get them wrong, they love their parents but for once they just wanted to spend some time with rody, they just made it to America two weeks ago. They weren't planning on going back to Japan until February.

Rody got up once the two where situated on the bed, he walked to the bathroom not bothering to lock the door as he knew his mates would be fast asleep by now.


The brunette trugged back into the room fully clothed, immediately noticing his partners on the bed the comforter thrown across the room courtesy of a certain ball fluff, even the pillows where on the right side of the bed away from his green haired freckled boyfriend.

He mindlessly let out a chuckle walking towards the comforter to pick it up and draping it around the sleeping teenagers. He checked the time on his phone, him reading that it was currently 1:56 meaning he would hopefully get about four hours of sleep before going back to work.

Rody got into the bed careful not to wake the greenette on his right, he draped the comforter onto his body and almost immediately Izuku snuggled close to him. Hiroshi doing the same when he felt the greenette move. For starters the bed was big as it can fit five people without it being cramped but now the bed like it couldn't even fit two people. His two partners were practically playing ten in the bed in their sleep with how they scoot closer to the left side of the bed leaving the right side completely vacant. "I won't be surprised if we all would wake up on the floor" Rody mumbled, sighing as he got up carefully walking to where Hitoshi is. He pulled the comforter off the duo dropping it on the side of the bed. Rody crawled his way to where the lavender haired boy was, picking him up bridal style almost effortlessly plopping him down gently farther to the left.

He did the same process with the greenette who stirred a little bit had shown no signs of waking up as it would be a huge pain if he did. Rody laid down beside the greenette again before he got the comforter and draped it around them, now they where at the center of the large bed and he hoped it would stay that way when they wake up.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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