entry 06

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entry 06 | 1:05am

hey guys today was the day the big G above betrayed me

so dino was going to a beach resort with his family owned (like the rich bitch he is) and joshua for god knows why, got a fever and is stuck at home like are you serious?? now today it was only me and boo and just when i thought we were gonna get some alone time, kim FREAKING mingyu was like 'hey wanna sit with me and my other friends during lunch' to boo

ofc boo would agree but he then said 'only if vernonie can join us' ngl my heart fluttered when he remembered me and my sad antisocial ass but honestly sitting a lunch alone would be okay for me even amazing cause sitting mingyu and his gang of popular kids will be soul sucking but since boo requested, i would never say no and y'all know it .

let's give some introductions to mingyu's gang here

first we have s.coups (not his real name cause i actually like him). i was in his class last year and ngl he was so nice, he answered attendance for me once when the teacher didn't hear me (he was kinda deaf) and let me see his hw once, he's one of the real ones guys. he's the captain for the basket ball team, he raps for fun (hence s.coups) and good looking so that immediately puts him in top tier list of men girls ogle for. rumours has it he's seeing a someone but idk

then we have woozi (he's a vvv scary so fake name) ive never had any classes with him but he's so cold and intense, he may be short but he can and will hit you until you're on the ground, i saw it with my own eyes and dear god i ran home that day in fear. but he's a already famous producer who's got a bright future ahead or something, his songs are no joke seriously 

then we have myungho, he's mingyu's best friend and i wonder how much mingyu paid him to be his friend. he's so cool honestly, he knows martial arts, he can paint and his artwork is so beautiful, he's likes royalty. i would love to be friends with him if it wasn't for cough mingyu cough but also if i wasn't so shy around people 😔

and lastly we have won (again nickname) he's my favourite people from this gang. we once had p.e together and neither me and him didn't want to go through that brutal hour that day so with his A class acting skills, we were able to fake that he was sick and kinda skip school. okay i know it's bad but it was the last period and the teacher didn't even notice so we're safe alright 🧍🏼 we ended up going to a cat cafe and just bonded over our love for cats, rap music and being anti social. we became besties that day, it like we were the same person yk but ofc he's right after my boo

anyways i was dragged for lunch by boo, everyone greeted us when we reached to the table, except woozi who seemed like he was tired of life (me too bro me too). the second boo sat down, he blended in with them so well, i was so proud of boo being the adorable little social butterfly he is while i ate my ham sandwich in silence 

then mingyu came in with his perfect smile, offering some cookies that he made himself for everyone, yes i know such boyfie material 🤢. everyone took one, even woozi as i was taking one as well (i didn't want to be the odd one out alright) i realised these had peanuts in them now i can't return them to him cause that out right rude and i can't eat them either cause yk allergies and if i do eat them i have a one way ticket to see satan.

won noticed my dilemma so he offered to eat mine which i happily gave it to him, when we were at that cat cafe i did tell him i couldn't eat peanuts and i was so touched he remembered. while he ate it, i could feel mingyu staring at me, did i offend him by not eating?? is he gonna bitch about it to boo?? 

luckily s.coups changed the topic to his upcoming basketball game with another school which fortunately made mingyu shift his attention to him, if it didn't happen any sooner, i might have has a hole in the side of my head. the rest of lunch was okay, i just kept to myself and occasionally talk to won, as soon as the bell rang, i was able to take boo and head right over to class

i actually wanted to tell him about mingyu!s attempted murder but i was how happy he was making new friends and i didn't want to crush that so i just keep quite for him. anyways the other guys should come soon cause that table wasn't my cup of tea


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