iDo Party With Victorious

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School ended as Carly, Freddie, and Sam arrived back to Shay's apartment.

"I don't know. I just feel bad for the weeds."

"Weeds are nothing but green losers."

"Well, maybe weeds are just, like, you know, homeless plants looking for a lawn to call their own."

"Right. And who are we to judge which plants have more of a right to..."

The minute they entered Carly stopped speaking as they see Spencer holding on to two radios.

"I know. This looks unusual."

"I'm gonna go open a can of something and eat it." Sam then headed to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"What is that?"

"I was at the junkyard and I found a bunch of old radios, so I made them into this sculpture. I call it potatio radio."


"I was squeezing a potato when I thought of it."

"Well, I love radios and potatios." Carly said as she patted Spencer's head.


"So your part of the sculpture?"

"Nah. I just ran out of clamps so I gotta hold these together 'til the glue dries."

"Ah." Sam said eating a can of pie filling.

"You're eating a can of pie filling?"

"It's all I've got."

"Which is why I'm gonna make you your favorite kind of sandwich."


"Uh-huh. Spencer, Freddie, how does a big glass of lemonade sound?"



"Okay, everybody. Just give me five minutes." Carly said as she went to the kitchen to get lemonade while whistling.

"Is it possible that's she's in too good a mood?"

"It's like she's oozing happy."

"Kinda like my mom was taking those "special vitamins "." Sam said as a knock on the door, and Freddie's mom enters.

"Skoozie, but I need Freddie."

"Freddie hates you."

"I don't "hate" her."

Carly then walked up to Mrs. Benson with a glass of lemonade.


"Oh thank you."

Carly then gave Ms. Benson the glass of lemonade.

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