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Kageyama fought every muscle in his body that screamed for him to run, It would be so easy, you wouldn't have to face any of them. you would make everyone so-. He kept pushing the reflex to flee until the raven haired boy finally reached the handle, taking in a deep breath the door slid and he stepped into the gym. The smell of heated rubber and sounds of squeaking shoes met Tobio's senses and he felt instantly better, it always did so volleyball was the most important thing to Kageyama. All good came to an end when a particular tangerine looking teen announced Kageyamas presence

"Bakayama made it finally! come toss for me~" said tangerine spoke, drawing out the 'e' vowel,

this made the once calmed nerves start to flare and lash out against Tobio, his anxiety levels spiking harder than Asahi does to a volleyball. The tall setter's body physically flinched when Hinata spoke and Sugawara had noticed it, growing worried instantly.

Kageyama was silent as he trudged over to the opposite wall located just beside the exit, dropping off his stuff there and then heading to do warm-up stretches. After that he did so Tobio grabbed the volleyball Hinata had thrown to him, and they started tosses and normal practice. Everyone was weirded out with the first years behavior, taking note his quiet demeanor and how tense his body was. Even his setting was off, which Tsukishima admitted to being somewhat worried which lets be honest he was totally worried

the team mentally agreed that this was enough when Tobio had tossed the ball a little too hard and ended hitting Hinata in the nose, injuring the boy badly.

''ok what's going on? Kageyama your tosses are off and you're tense, which is out of the normal for you.''

''I'm fine just uh..tired studying all night and shit'' he mumbled the last part just loud enough to be heard

''yeah right king, even I can tell something is up and usually I don't care'' Kageyamas face lit up in a pit of anger

''yeah you don't care so stop worrying and mind your own business. and stop. calling. me. king.'' he spat, snapping at the blonde in annoyance.

''look I don't know where this sudden attitude is coming from, but it's pissing me off.'' Hinata spat, getting angry with the setter, this took Tobio back a bit before he regained his posture.

''Just stop! stop pretending to care, its obvious you don't so leave me be- I'm fine.''

''BULLSHIT! I call bullshit, you're not fine stop being an arrogant asshole king and tell the truth!''


Everyone froze, the loud noise echoed through the silent gymnasium. even Tobio had looked shocked, he had just slapped Hinata. The setter looked like he wanted to cry, and he opened his mouth to apologize but was tackled by the short middle blocker to the ground, he punched and kicked while Tobio fought back (much like the scene from that episode where Yachi went to get Tanaka and shit).

Their fighting kept going with Daichi and the second years screaming at the duo to stop.

''WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO SELFISH- THIS IS WHY YOUR LAST TEAM AND EVERYONE LEFT YOU'' Hinata screamed out as the two were dragged away from each other, Kei was taking Kageyama and Daichi had Hinata in a tight grip.

Those words were what broke the dam, tears flooded the somber navy eyes, Tobio's hands grabbed onto Kei's shirt as he sobbed. Kageyama lost strength in his legs, falling to his knees, Kei going down with him. Suga had gotten to the other setter's side.

''you're right *hic*''

Tobio spoke through sobs, the sentence left everybody close by confused. The boy's body shook continuously as he tried to hold the sobs in, Tsukishima was holding him close while running a hand through the others hair. Suga rubbed the youngers back, small motions circled every now and then, everyone else was now either tending to Hinata's or Kageyama's aid. no one spoke a word, but it was known that explanations would be needed.

at this point Tobio had passed out from lack of sleep, sensei Takeda had arrived and being the teacher, he already knew the cause of Kageyamas odd behavior and meltdown. while Kei cradled Tobio, Takeda had explained that he got a call saying his sister had died in a car crash, as well as she was the one taking care of Tobio since their parents left them to fend for themselves. So Kageyama truly had no one left to care for him.

soon Kageyama awoke and was greeted with many hugs, and apologies most of them being from Hinata who felt horrible for hurting his best friend and they had sat around for a bit to calm down. Just then, Oikawa and Iwaizume followed by most of Aoba Johsai had burst through the gym, Oikawa looked a mix of sad and protective mother. The pair ran to Kageyama, gulfing him in a gentle embrace, which the ladder returned immediately.

Oikawa kept repeating that he would never let Tobio go, and he'd always be there to protect his former kouhai. Iwaizume being less then Oikawa, but you could tell he was just as protective over the younger. Tsukishima being jealous an all, got tired of Oikawa being touchy and grabbed Tobio back, hugging him from behind in a gentle and subtle(subtle?idk-) manner.




[ok so- this was totally rushed an shit, im not the best at writing angst as you can tell but shhhh thas oki no need to point it out. anyway i had the sudden urge to kill something, and do tsukikage(a little bit, its very subtle tsukikage) and i was like- a friend of mine - heyyyy- always talks about never having enough tsukikage so why not gift this to them and it kinda went shit but i hope they like.]

love ya


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