Chapter 4

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Warning: There may be some grammar errors. So if you want to, don't hesitate to call me out on them.


...I felt myself being lifted up and that's when I saw his face.


"Hey are you ok?"

Drew asked looking at me with a look of worry in his eyes.

I didn't answer at first. I just stared into his beautiful deep brown eyes and wondered about what just happened. After realising he had asked me something I snapped out of the trance I seemed to be in and answered with a quiet "Yes".

"Are you sure you're fine? you look pretty beaten up".

"I-I'm fine. Thanks for the help".

He was staring into my eyes and didn't say anything for a while. After looking over me one more time he decided to bring me to the schools' nurse to get me checked out for any serious injuries.

I tried to tell him he didn't need to, but he wouldn't budge.

"So who were those guys beating you up?"

Still being carried in his arms I responded with a shaky voice.

"C-Conner and his gang".

"Why did they hurt you?".

He asked looking at me out of the corner of his eye. We were now inside of the school's building and some people were already starting to notice us.

'Great now I'm going to have people looking at me for the rest of the day, if not even the whole week'.

"I-I don't really know. They just started bullying me all of a sudden a few years ago.

Conner is always t-the one ordering the others around. I really don't know why. H-He just hates me, I guess". 

"That's just messed up!".

He growled lowly, still not looking at me.

We arrived at the nurses office before I could respond and went inside.

The nurses office is a small room with just enough space for the necessary equiptment and two beds.

The nurse, Miss Anderson, a middle aged woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and a petite figure saw us coming in and immediately told Drew to lay me down on one of the two beds.

"What happened to you, dear?", she asked while making her way towards me.

"I-I uhm nothing. I just tripped and scratched m-my legs and arms. It's nothing r-really."

The nurse started to clean up my scratches and told me to be more careful the next time. I don't know if she believed me or not but she didn't say anything else.

After 'patching' me all up, Miss Anderson gave us a late slip and told us to get to class and to be more careful.

Drew held the door open for me and waited for me to get out, before closing the door and leading me to our first class of the day being English.

We had earlier found out we shared that class together.

"How are you feeling,  and why didn't you tell her the truth?"

Drew asked me. I don't know why he cares so much or why he would be bothered with things like this, knowing what kind of business he's into.

I would have expected him to be impassive about stuff like this, and not try to play the hero.

Sure I thought he was a good kid the first time I saw him but my opinion kind of changed after yesterday's news.

I noticed he was still staring at me and quietly answered.

"I-I'm fine, really. T-Thank you for bringing me to the nurses office but it really wasn't necessary, and you didn't have to but y-you still did and I'm very grateful. Not a lot of p-people would do that for me. A-And to answer your question, as to why I lied to Mrs.Anderson, it's because I already tried to talk to people about the bullying but they don't care. Or at least it doesn't 't really seem like it, since they never try to stop it. They all just ignore it and try to look away when it happens."

I said while still walking with him to class.

Drew stayed quiet for a moment and seemed to be in deep thoughts. I wonder what he's thinking so hard about.

"It was the right thing to do, I couldn't just stand there and watch you getting all beaten up. If they ever lay another hand on you, don't hestitate to come and tell me. I'll make sure they won't bother you again." 

I didn't know what to say, so I just looked at him with a hopefully grateful look on my face and nodded my head.

I still can't really understand what  motive or plan he has, for doing this
But I wasn't thrilled about him being all up in my business at all.

Although, I guess it wouldn't actually hurt to have him near me so much, since that way It'll be way easier for me to keep an eye on him and look for any possible wrong moves.

I diverted my attention to the floor and noticed just how quiet and deserted the hallway was. I looked at my watch and saw that we were actually already twenty minutes late to class. 

'Shit', I thought.

"Good thing we have a late pass", I said as an after thought.

"Yeah", are you ready to get the school day started?".

Drew replied looking down at me with a little grin onto his face. 

"Y-yeah, I am". 

We looked into each other's eyes as we got to the classroom and knocked on the door.

Hi, I'm so sorry for not having posted in a while. There's just been a lot going on in my life and I just wasn't in the mood to write anything. But I'm slowly getting back into writing and I hope y'all will still be willing to read my story :) I know this was a short chapter, but it's all I could do for now. I hope you'll still like this. Bye and have a wonderful day ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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