Chapter 1: The Arrival

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The sound of the helicopter was painful in my ears. I looked at the woman who was in the cockpit of the helicopter. "Do you even know what you're doing here?" I looked at her with a thoughtful look. I had no idea why I was her. I turned my sight off of her and looked down. The earth wasn't what it supposed to look like. "I take that as a no." She said. "Well, I'm really sorry about everything." "Why would you be sorry?" "aaah! She can talk!" She joked. I gave her a look and again, turned my face to the outside world. "Well, as you know, the world changed a lot. And you will be brought to a base called Able Township. You will be safe there, but you know, there are a lot of zombs out there." It still was a really weird thought. Thanks to a virus, people who died came back to life. But not as themselves. If they bit you, you were done. "What is your name?" I opened my mouth to answer her, but a hard noise and a lot of shaking made me shut my mouth. I opened my eyes and couldn't see a thing. All I saw the ground coming closer to me and waited while I felt the fire against my arm. I looked aside and saw a huge building coming closer. Damn. I jumped out of the helicopter and landed on the hard ground. I quickly grabbed my wrist and looked at it. I couldn't move it. It was probably broken. "Shit..." I said quietly. I stood up from the ground. I had no idea where I was. I grabbed the knife that was still resting in my belt. "Okay.. Stay calm.. everything is going to be alright..." I tried to convince myself. But to be honest, it didn't really work. There were zombies here. "Did you heard that?" I heard the voice of a man. I turned around immediately to see nothing. I held the knife close to my face. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I heard the same voice say. I remembered the earpiece the pilot gave me. "H-h-hello?" I replied. Not knowing if anyone could even hear me. "We got someone on the ground!" I heard the man shouting. "Who is this?" "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Sam. I was helping the pilot to lead her to the right place. Is she still there? What was that bang? Did you guys got shot?" So many question at all sudden. "I... I uh.." I started. "Where am I?" I asked the man. "You are a few miles away from Abel Township. That is where the helicopter would be lead to..." It was silent for another second. I heard a weird sound coming from behind me and I turned around. I saw some movement in the bushes near me. I slowly stepped back. "Shit..." I heard the man say. "What is it?" I whispered. "There are a lot of zombies near you. Maybe 30, no.. there are over 40 zombies coming your way. You-you got to get out of there. Run as fast as you can." I still looked at the bushes. The sound of someone - or something - coming closer, became louder. "NOW!" The man shouted in my ear and I started to run in the opposite direction. I kept running and running, as fast as I possibly could.

I had no idea what I was doing here. I had no idea where I was or in what state of the US I was. All I knew was that the dead started to waking up again. But not as themselves. They chased people into their deaths. And the army of dead people was growing stronger every day. And an army of 40 zombies was trying to get me. "Okay, okay, they are gone. I think. I hope..." The man whose name was Sam, told me. "I'm just going to call you Runner 5. The last Runner 5... well.. She got bit during a mission." I could hear the pain in his voice. "She was fast. Really fast..." He continued. I didn't knew how to reply so I just didn't. I was really bad at emotional stuff. "Sam? Who is that? Is there still someone on the ground?" I heard a woman say over the mic. "Yes, we got a survivor, doc." He said to her. I kept walking in the same direction. "We need that aid kit." I heard the doctor quietly say to Sam. "No, we can't send her there. You, you know what happened to the last Runner 5." "Sam, I know. But without it, we might not survive. Send her to the hospital. Or else she might not enter Abel Township." I swallowed. "Okay, Runner 5?" I heard the woman say directly into the mic. "I can see your movements on the screen and I'm right, you can see a big building on your West side." I turned right and indeed, I could see a big building with a big hospital cross on it. "I need you to get there. On the first floor, there is a big red aid kit we need. I need you to get it, after you get it, you can come to the base." I sighed. Okay. If I don't risk my life for a stupid aid kit, those people at Abel Township won't let me in. "Runner 5, did you hear that?" Sam asked me. "Yeah..." "Please.. For God sake.. Be careful. We won't be able to hear you talking that far. But if I'm correct, I can keep talking to you. So I'll keep talking to you." Great. I walked to my right, in the direction of the big, white building. "It is important that you don't make a sound. They are attracted by sound. So stay as quiet as you can." He whispered. Another sighed left my mouth. Shouldn't the army be doing this? I was a twenty-one year old girl whom lost her parents thanks to this stupid virus. I held the knife a bit tighter and knew this was the only hand I could use right now, since I broke my wrist.

I slowly walked into the hospital. Really scared there would be any Walkers, I held the knife in front of me and walked to the reception. If the information the doctor gave me was right, the aid kit would somewhere here. But before I was there, I accidently stepped on some broken glass, what made some sound. I stopped moving, closed my eyes and told myself how stupid I was. Okay.. Almost there. "Runner 5, you are almost there. You can do this." I heard Sam say. I looked over the round desk of the reception and saw the kit. I put the knife back between my belt and my pants and jumped over the desk. I looked around, hoping to see not Walkers. Luckily, I saw nothing, and it seemed the hospital seemed to be empty. I opened the aid kit as quiet as I could and saw a lot of bandages and medicines in it. That doctor is lucky there is something in it. I didn't liked that doctor already. I grabbed the kit and placed it under my arm.

"Do you got the kit?" I heard Sam whisper. "I think she's got the kit." He probably forgot I couldn't reply. I walked to the same place the connection with Sam went away. "Sam?" I asked. "Runner 5! Do you got the kit?" The doctor asked me. "Yes. I got it. But I have no idea where the base is." "Okay, good job, Runner 5. I'm going to give you Sam again." "Runner 5!" I heard his voice say. "Wait a moment." I put the kit on the ground and waited. Suddenly, I heard the same noise as I heard in the bushes. "Sam!?" I spoke. "One more second, I'm trying to locate your position." "No, time." "Are there Walkers there?" "I guess..." "Just 5% left." "NO TIME!" I saw the two Walker coming out of the bushes and started to run. "Sam, I got at least two Walkers behind me, you better hurry up now!" "I, I got your location, Runner 5. You are running in the right direction, so just keep going." I kept running, but heard the noise of one Walker behind me. "This one is fast! Really fast! They normally don't run this fast." Oh, well this is great.. I started to run faster, but I felt my energy going down every step I took. My condition wasn't what it used to be, so I regretted all the mornings I didn't went to the gym. "Okay... Ugh.." I heard Sam say. "I'm afraid that the fast Walker is Runner 5. Or was... The point is, you are almost there but you have to run faster... I will send a team out for you, to make sure you will be safe. If you keep running, you will see them in no time!" Okay, almost there... I started to sprint. I burst out the last piece of energy and I could already hear the team that would bring me in safely. "Come on, Runner 5, you are really close to the team." And there they were. A team of 5 men. All having loaded weapons in their hands. "COME ON IN! FAST!" One of them yelled at me. I looked at the gate, an alarm making an annoying sound, and walked beneath it, into the safety. "Wow, Runner 5, I didn't expect you to look like this!" A man came to me, putting out his hand. Somewhere I could recognize his voice. Of course. This was what Sam looked like. "Sam! Right?" He laughed. "Yeah hehe, that is me!" His British accent was way more beautiful face-to-face. "I never asked your real name, how rude of me.." I shook his hand. "Riley." I told him. "Riley Evans." He smiled at me. "Thank you." I told him. "For bringing me here safely." "You were the one who had to do it!" He smiled nicely at me. There were a lot of people around me. "Good to see a new face!" I heard a man say to the man standing next to him. "Come on everyone! Give her some space!" Sam yelled at the people surrounding us. "Here is a towel, I will show you to the showers! We still have hot showers here! Rajit decides who gets hot showers. I made sure you will get one right now. You deserved it."


(A/N) Okay, this is the first chapter! Please tell me what you think in the comments and I hope to write a next chapter soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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