Chapter 11- vulnerable 

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Sienna Marino

I patted the bed next to me motioning for him to join me, he did and slip under the covers next to me. I looked at him as if asking him who goes first. He sighed looking into my eyes.

"6 years again when I was 19 our house was raided by the Spanish mafia. My parents were already dead by then so it was just my sister Katie and the rest of the people in this house." he rested his head on the head board staring up at the ceiling. I nodded telling him I was listening.

"The leader, Sebastian Rodriguez was there too. He wanted to take down and end our mafia but to do that he had to take me and second in command down, Nic."

"We thought we had killed them all a few were missing from the group. A couple random men and Sebastian. We were searching the house but I couldn't find him, I thought they had retreated. I put katie in the safe room as soon as I head the first gun shot. She was 15 at the time." He glanced down with pain in his eyes.

"When I got there the door was open, and blood seeped out. She- she was already dead." I watched a tear run down his face which he quickly wiped away.

"The camera footage from the safe room revealed Sebastian to be the one who killed her, and he got away with it. He fucking got away with it and I can't find him to make him pay." He gripped the sheets of the bed as anger filled his eyes.

I crawled over to sit between his open thighs and hugged him around the neck running my hand through his hair. "It's not your fault." I told him.

"yes it is, if I paid more attention she would be here right now if it weren't for me." He sounded sad as he wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me tighter to him.

"No, you were protecting her in the first place. That's all that matters." I felt a drop of water fall on my shoulder and a second after his head in my neck. "I'm so sorry for your sister Ash." He hummed an answer and nestled more into my neck.

After a minute or two of holding each other he pulled away and looked into my eyes, his eyes were deeper blue than befor because of the pink around his eyes.

"so why were you so worried at the club?"

I played with my fingers nervously. I wasn't sure how I should tell him. What if he thought less of me?

"You know the night we met?" I started looking up at him. He nodded with soft eyes. "The man who was attacking me? He was my ex.. Brandon." I told him looking back down at my hands. I played with the hem of my shirt picking my words carefully.

"He and I were in a relationship for one year.. he got controlling and wouldn't let me see family and friends, he started to abuse me.." I felt tears sting my cheeks and Ash's rough finger wipe my tears away. He nodded for me to continue which I did.

"When I tried leaving him he- he." I paused as I started to sob, I haven't talked about this to anyone but Ari and that was a while ago. It's hard to re open up and all those memories flood back and haunt me. "He ra- raped me." I finished. Ash went to say something but I beat him to it. "He said some really degrading things, he locked me in his room and told me I can't leave him. Ari came looking for me when I didn't answer any of her calls, when she heard me screaming for help she called the cops." I cried pushing my head into his chest and holding on to the sides of his torso.

"I'll kill him." I heard a raspy growl from above me, I lifted my head to pure anger in Ash's face. He clenched his jaw and tensed his body.

"Don't. I got a restraining order against him not shortly after." I reassured him.

"Yet he came after you again? What's his name?"

"I don't know why he came after me, his names Brandon." I mumbles resting my cheek on his chest and rapping my arms around his waist.

"thank you." Ash said.

"For?" I asked confused.

"For making me feel comfortable to talk to you."

"same here. I haven't told anyone that except Ari. I trust you. Plus you'll keep me safe."

"Damn right I will."  He said laying down fully with me on top of him and leaning over to turn off the lamp. "Good night sienna."

"Good night ash." I mumbled sleep taking over me.
———————————————————————————i open my eyes to a dark room and warmth surrounding me, I suddenly feel nauseous. My eyes widen and I quickly push Ash's arms off me and I sprint into the bathroom at the speed of light. Flash ain't got nothing on me. i skid on my knees in front of the toilet.

"Sienna? Are you ok?" I heard Ash call from the room.

"Yeah I'm fine!" I forced out, it was like 3 am in the morning and didn't want to bother him.

Moments later I felt my hair being held back, I glanced over my shoulder to see Ash sitting next to me with my hair in his hands. "Thank you." I smiled turning back towards the toilet. I emptied my guts so many times it's enough to make me stop drinking forever. i felt extremely embarrassed that Ash saw me like that, it's diffidently not something I would ever want to share with a guy. i couldn't bring myself to look at him, I dropped my head in my hands and couldn't help but cry? Why?

"Sienna what's wrong?" He asked with concern.

"I don't know. I just don't want you to see me like this." I cried. I don't even know why I'm crying I just feel like shit.

"come on amore." he said handing me a cup of mouth wash. (Love) I looked at him with pity for my self and swished the mouth wash around and spitting it out. He walked up to me and cupped my face in his big hands.

"I really don't care, I like being with you. I like you all of you." he told me. i looked up at him with butterfly's filling my stomach.

"really? Well in that case I like alllllllll of you too." I smiled hugging him.

He smiled back at me. HE SMILED BACK AT ME. my eyes lit up seeing his smile. It was so warm and he looks so handsome.

"You know you should smile more often." I told him.

"only for you." he smirked pulling me back to the bed. I was really starting to like Ash. I think I'm really falling for him, or maybe I already have. i jumped in the middle of the bed lying on my back, him following and laying his his head on my exposed stomach I closed my eyes drawing small circles on his bare shoulder.

He let out a groan and I stopped. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing it feels really good and relaxing." He answered sleepily.

I smiled to my self and continued drawing my little circles. He had a few tattoos on his shoulder blades so I made a mental note to ask home about all his tattoos later. I felt him run lightly up and down on my hip which made my body relax fully.
I know it's a very short chapter today, I was feeling alittle bit of writers block. I'm sorry it's not a great chapter.

I also didn't want to add too many of my ideas in this chapter, I want to save them for later.

I hope you enjoyed it at least alittle <3

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