Chapter 15- Lift Off

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The hanging stars twinkled under the light. The airflow caused them to spin slowly, making the light on them change with their movement. Freddy's eyes followed them, distracting himself as best he could. Foxy's presence was the only thing he had relied on. Now that he was gone, Freddy didn't know what to do with himself.

"Why am I still here..." He thought. He hated this thought, it crept up on him from time to time, making his head ache with stress.  "Why do they get to go... and why do I have to stay... why me... why does it have to be me..." He thought. He looked over to his left, seeing Chica still standing in her usual spot, powered down. He couldn't see him, but he knew that Foxy was motionless in his cove. He had been for a long time. Almost two months. And Still, Freddy sat waiting for something.

Slow but surely, the Toys had stopped coming. After what Chica did to Tee Chee, Green was too scared to get near them again, so it was Teddy that got them food. He never spoke a word to Freddy. There was never anything to say. After a month, Teddy stopped coming. Freddy both didn't care, nor looked into the basement again. "Only bad things came from there." He would tell himself.

Rarely, maybe once or twice a week, Springtrap would poke his head in to see how Freddy was doing. Each time, he would stare at him carefully, up to an hour, before heading back into the basement. Freddy even started to get annoyed, for he blamed Springtrap for Foxy leaving. He blamed him for what happened to Chica and Bonnie too. He blamed him for everything. He hated him.

"I know you guys can see me..." He said, speaking to the ceiling. He had done this from time to time, hoping it would make a change. "I know you can see me... I know you can... why do you do nothing... I've been waiting... when is it going to be my turn? Do you guys just... not care?" He said. With a growl, he sat up and looked away. Talking about them made him sick to his stomach. He looked to his left, where Chica was standing.

"Why don't you talk to me!" He yelled, swing his fist into her leg, making her fall over. "Why don't you help me!?" He screamed, standing up and kicking her in her head. " Why do I have to wait... when you get to leave... why must I be the one to suffer... I don't want to be here alone anymore... I'M SICK OF WAITING!" He bellowed, falling onto his chest, hiding his face in his hands. His tears came slowly, yet they poured down his arms and face.

"Why..." Freddy said. He shriveled up into a small ball, hugging his legs tightly. He cried as much as he could, hoping the tears could wash away his sadness. He eventually fell asleep, his face and upper chest wet and oily.


Freddy opened his eyes, looking around himself. He found himself surrounded with pitch black darkness around him. He looked down at his body, seeing his tear stained fur. He looked back, gasping at the figures that had taken their places around him. He instantly remembered his dream, it was nearly exactly the same as it was before. Though, this time, they all stared at him. Also, tied to their wrists were Balloons, and on their faces were masks. This subtle difference made chills run up Freddy's spine.

He walked over to the first boy, Ben. He was tapping his foot impatiently, looking at Freddy through his Purple rabbit mask. It was hard to see, but Freddy saw tear tracks running down his body from under the mask. "You're crying..." Freddy said, looking away. He clenched his fist, looking back quickly "Well, That's what you get! Leaving me alone for so long... you deserve to cry..."

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