Discussing What Happens Next

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A/N: This chapter will explain my personal headcanon of how Troll babies are born. If you guys start pointing out Tiny Diamond's birth and try to contradict it; I know, I know. I know what happened, I've seen the movie. But who knows how that actually works? So this is how I think it works. If you disagree, don't post comments about it. If you must point it out, send me a private message. 

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, let's get on with Chapter 3. Roll it! 

Chapter 3

Discussing What Happens Next

Poppy had a feeling that this was going to happen, and in just the way she had pictured it, too. She pretty much expected it from the very beginning as she looked at Branch's gaping face. She also expected him to immediately take the test from her and make sure that it wasn't another prank by rubbing the middle part of it with his thumb to see if the glittery substance that showed the positive result would come off. It didn't, proving that this was indeed real.

But what she didn't expect was Branch grabbing her arm and then dragging her into what she supposed was his living room. He quickly placed her on the couch with a heavy plop, the test falling from his hand and onto her lap, and then started pacing back and forth in front of her, talking pretty fast, his hands flailing around as he did so.

"Oh, this is not happening!" He exclaimed in a panic. "This can't be happening! You can't actually be pregnant! And definitely not with my kid! Oh, your dad is going to banish me from the village permanently, and then kill me with his bare hands and hair!"

"Chill, Branch!" Poppy said, standing up from the couch after tucking the test away in her hair and stopping the paranoid survivalist in his frantic pacing by grabbing his arms. "I get that you're worried! I am, too! My dad will be pretty steamed at both of us, killing you first, and then me after he grounds me for the rest of my life! But right now, we need to figure out what to do."

Branch's nervous crystal eyes bore into hers, the ocean blue color briefly sending goosebumps onto her skin. The only bright color left in him; it always gave her shivers as well as hope that he would regain the rest of them if his eyes were still colorful. He then shut them to take a couple of deep breaths to try and calm himself.

"For once, you do have a point." He said before exhaling heavily. "Okay. First things first, I'm going to ask you a few serious questions, so I want you to take them seriously as well."

"Okay, okay." Poppy answered, briefly rolling her eyes. But she knew that Branch was right. This was not something to be taken lightly, so she was going to have to take it very seriously.

"Also, don't be so defensive about them." Branch added. "It's just so that we can both be on the same page, so that we can figure out what to do."

"Okay." Poppy said, nodding her head.

Branch took a deep breath, looking a bit nervous as he anxiously rubbed his hands together. "...Do you even want this baby?" He asked.

Poppy's eyes instinctively trailed down to her still-flat stomach, her fingers slightly twitching, wanting to touch it. Did she want this baby? She did wonder about her future sometimes, when the time came that she would be queen and was expecting the next future heir to the throne, although she didn't think very much about the details that would lead up to it. She thought that she would've been married and then had gotten pregnant. But instead, she is with child out of wedlock.

When the egg came, would she actually be willing to leave it in the care of someone else? Would the child eventually learn that he or she was adopted, and then spend the rest of his or her life wondering why they had been given up by their birth parents? Would they wonder if they were even wanted by them? And if Poppy ever saw them around the village with their adoptive family, would she feel heartbroken knowing that her own child was growing up without ever learning that she was their birth mother? Would she even know that he or she is her son or daughter just by looking at them? The thought of her watching her child grow up without her would be too much pain for her to bear.

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