Nekoma Babysitting

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Basically: you are the maneger of the volleyball club. Yaku and you sometimes take care of a kid named haru.

Yaku POV;

It was Friday afternoon and I just finished my shower after training and went into the living room.
While I was searching for an interesting movie I heard my phone ring and saw that it was Mrs. Nakamari. She lives a few streets away with her husband and her son haru , who is 5 years old.

When I picked up she sounded worried.

Mrs. N: hello, yaku-kun
Yaku:hello Mrs. Nakamari. Is everything okay?
Mrs. N:uhmm, I know this might be a bit rushed but could you and (y/n) please take care of haru?
Yaku:of course, when?
Mrs.N: tomorrow if you could. I have a buissnes meeting and my husband won't be home until 7 p.m.
Yaku:oh sure, why not. Do you want me to come and pick him up tomorrow ?
Mrs. N:no don't worry I can drop him of at your at 10a.m if it's not a problem
Yaku:no no it isn't. But he will have to come to practice with us. So could you maybe drop him of at the gate of nekoma high school?
Mrs. N:of course I can.
Yaku: okey (y/n) and me will be waiting there for you.
Mrs. N:mhm, thank you. You really just saved my live.
Yaku: no problem. See you tomorrow
Mrs. N: yes, see you


hung up and made my way to text (y/n).

Mommacat🐈: heyaa, we are taking care of haru tomorrow while practice.
onlyNekoGirl🐾:yasss!! 😍 he is literally the cutest thing ever.
but if one of the boys hurt him I'm goona hunt him for the rest of his life 🙃🔪
Mommacat🐈: yes🔪

Timeskip: nest day practice

(y/n) POV;

Right now the boys are having a break when suddenly my alarm went off.
I flinched, because I forgot I set the alarm. '9:50 a.m' I Read. "yaku it's almost 10 a.m. you coming?" " yep one moment. he put his water bottle away and came over. Together we made our way to the front gate of the school and not even 5 minutes later we saw Mrs. nakamari and haru.

haru came running to us hugging us both. "hiii, yaku-San and (y/n)-san!!" "heyy, haru!!" I greeted him matching with his energy. " thank you two soo much for taking care of haru" Mrs. Nakamari said when she got to us.
" of course we love seeing haru" I told her. "yes it's no problem really" yaku assured her. She nodded and brought her attention to her son
"okey sweetheart I have to go work, stay with yaku and (y/n) and don't couse them and trouble, you understood?""okey mommy "

After we said our goodbye's we headed to the gym. We opened the door and everything went quiet.
All eyes landed on the 5 year old boy standing next to us. I noticed that haru was getting nervous of all the stares the recieved.
He quickly hid behind yaku.

"guys, stop staring at him" I told them. They finally stopped and some of them came to us. "who is that?" Yamamoto asked while fukunaga kneeled down to harus level and put his hand up for a high five.
Haru smiled a bit, went to fukunaga and nervously put his small hand on the bigger one.

"that is Haru, and we have to take care of him today" yaku explained to the others " and yeah, we already told coach nekomata" I continued while turning my head to my older brother'sdirection, Kuroo tetsuro.

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