To Your Hearts Consent

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Sebastian left the mansion in search of his young master asking everybody in the town if they have seen his master but no one knew who or where he was.

The butler sighed.

"Seems I have to fi-."
A little black and white kitten walked out of a small alleyway and stopped in front of Sebastian to lick its cute little pink paws. 

"Oh! The horror"

Sebastian went over to the kitten and picked it up, he softly squeezed the kittens face, the cats face looked almost like a lion's mane. 

"How could someone leave a cute defenseless kitten all alone?"

He cooed to the little cat. It seemed to like being pet because it purred a happy sound. The kitten soon leaped out of the demon's arms to run back to the alley it came from. 

"Well now that I got that out of the way, back to finding the young master.

~Time Skip~

Alois went over and sat beside the bound boy.

 "Were gonna have so much fun together." The boy said excitedly. He leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"I'm gonna torture you till you beg for my mercy, I'm gonna make you hurt so bad you'll wish you were dead."

Ciel's turned his head away from the boy. Alois gently took the slightly younger boy's chin and forced Ciel to look into his light bluish-green eyes. He held Ciel's chin slightly tighter so he wouldn't turn his face again.

Alois loosened Ciel's eye patch with his other hand. Ciel kept his sealed eye closed even though the eye patch was off. Ciel shook off Alois's hold on his chin.

"Sebastian will come and save me, we are bound by contract!"

The boy yelled. Alois whispered something only Ciel could hear in the boy's ear and was about to leave the room before he said "Claude."

He then left the room to Ciel and his butler. Claud walked over to Ciel ever so swiftly. Ciel began to panic his mind flashing back to when he was stolen and branded and witnessed the many deaths of most of the children he was kidnapped with. The boy's eyes went wide and he struggled to get loose from his bindings. Claud got close to the young boy when all of a sudden a force struck him in the face. Ciel had kicked the man with all his strength hoping that would warn the man not to go near him.

"S-Stay away from me!" Ciel ranted, intense fear in his eyes. This didn't seem to phase the demon at all. Claud went in his coat pocket and pulled out a needle filled with a clear liquid. Ciel started panicking more and was now thrashing around wishing he wasn't tied up, his fear of needles becoming a reality. The demon straddled the boy so he was being held in a sitting position between the man's legs his back against the man's broad chest one hand half holding his arms and his chin, he grabbed the boys face and forcefully turned it to the side, he whispered in his ear

"You shouldn't have done that." He said before sticking the needle in his neck emptying its contents. Watching as the boy's eyes slowly closed and his body went limp in his arms.

His Master, KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now