Chapter 2 drunk sex

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I wake up and see Alex naked n so am I. I turn around and that wakes him up

Ur charly Alex is Tayler
Thugginluhhazel-last night was amazing:)
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Alex-good morning mi princesa
Hazel-good morning mi rey
I get up fully and get dressed I go to daisy and we do this tiktok

Ur sj daisy is des
Thugginluhhazel-how do we have so much energy dis morning
Ucantfindalex-prolly bc I fuc- lemme su
Josiealesia-y'all are good
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I wake Ricky up and we do this

Ur brisa ricky is Ricky
Thugginluhhazel-he jus woke up too poor Ricky
User-I kinda ship yall-
Theyluvricky-WHY HAZEL WHY
gabenotbabe-leave my bf alone 🙄
Thugginluhhazel-^ yay you're up you're next
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Gabe is gabe pretend Hazel is there
Gabenotbabe-my bestie
Theyluvricky-she's my bestie
Daisyyboo-y'all both wrong she's MINE
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Ur sj and ur wearing that
Thugginluhhazel-im being active today wth but anyways off to school I go
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I go check on Alex hes jus staring at me
Hazel-aye aye school,no time to be staring
Alex-who said u wearing that to school ?
Alex-I didn't approve
Hazel-im wearing it idc
Alex-u so gon get punished after school
Hazel-I do nottt careeeee
*everyones ready*
We get in my car and head to school
Alex-I don't like this all guys are staring
Gabe-I mean Hazel why aint u listen to Alex
Ricky-for real
Daisy-she wanted to look cute leave her alone
Hazel-Alex I thought you'd like this but I was wrong
Me and daisy walk together to the lunch area

Ur mads daisy is sab
Thugginluhhazel- no comment
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Alex-there u are
Ricky-haz stop being mad at us
Gabe-best friend
He says with sad eyes
Hazel-what nowww
Alex-im sorry I do like the dress
He says frowning
Ricky-I don't but u do u
I hug Alex
gabe Ricky and armando stand behind me so guys can't be looking at my ass

Fuck buddies-(ucantfindalex) Alex Montoya Where stories live. Discover now