The airport

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Kumalala wondered how he could find Savesta. Kumalala knew Savesta hadn't given up, Savesta would never back away from a fight. Kumalala thought it would be best if he could use transport to find him and his spies of course. Kumalala knew from the past, they both were friends. Kumalala also knew his favourite places to go. He thought for a bit sitting on the street, "oh my god, could he have gone to Scotland?" He thought to himself, knowing that Savesta loved cold places and a nice atmosphere.

"Okay, airport it is". Kumalala got up carefully and put his hand out for a cab. He was there for a bout 10 minutes until a cab stopped. "Yo, where you going" the cab driver said meticulously, "The nearest airport please" Kumalala said. He opened the door and got in. He spoke to driver for a bit, talking about his daily routines and his favourite things to do. Until finally they reached the destination. "That'll be $20" the cab driver said, "Got ya" Kumalala reached for his pocket and got his wallet out and took the right amount out and passed it to the cab driver.

___time skip

Kumalala went into the airport, trying not to look too suspicious. He went to register and booked a flight to scotland. Kumalala went to wait in the waiting room. He sat down and contemplating different combos he could try next, things he could do, sneak attacks, the whole kind.

"Flight for Scotland in 10 minutes" the speaker said.

Kumalala got off his seat and started heading to the arrival area.

—-another time skip

He sat down on one of his seat (3A), and got himself comfortable, this was going to be a stressful and tiring night not only him but for Savesta too.

Savesta and Kumalala | part one |Where stories live. Discover now