The Legend of The Jade Emperor

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  • Dedicated to Luna and Shadow, And the Water Tribe Page!

Long ago in ancient China, two legendary heroes Lan-Mei and Yinying defeated the great and evil of all the ancient emperors: Huo Whung-Chi, or as he was better known as The Jade Emperor. He and his army ravaged all of the Chinese clans until they reached a long lost clan high above on the mountain of Heng Shan Bei: The Mi Ami. The Mi Ami clan was the oldest clan and the most powerful clans in all of China, and revered for their legendary skill in battle and many viewed them as demi-gods. The great warrior king Dongtian Zhanshi or The Winter, because of the almost eternal winter climate of his home, ruled the Mi Ami. He was a tall man of six foot five, with long silver hair and violet eyes. He carried two powerful fist-claws made of a metal, which fell from the heavens. One day the Jade Emperor came to the base of Heng Shan Bei and challenged the Winter to single combat for the fate of his clan, The Winter fearing for his two newborn children and his clan’s safety, accepted his offer but said he would be ready in two days’ time. The Jade Emperor accepted and marched his army to a nearby valley to wait for his fight. The Winter fearing that the battle may risk his children’s lives, entrusted them to his most loyal of his advisers: Leng Seng. He took them far away to the sacred mountain of Hua Shan; there in his hidden fortress he kept them hidden. Two days had passed and The Jade Emperor came back for his fight, and the epic battle raged for eight days and eight nights until, by some foul sorcery; the Jade Emperor tricked The Winter to believe that his children were dead. Filled with sorrow, he yielded and was turned into a solid jade statute. Filled full of joy, The Jade Emperor returned to the Mi Ami to claim the people and Dongtian’s children. When he demanded the children, he found out that they were long since gone and filled full of rage he decreed that anyone who brought him the children would receive a mountain of gold and jade. “And that is what the legend says at least” said a tour guide. This was the first of many museums in a cross-country tour of China, and for four students of the Gyatso Academy of Exceptional Scholars, this was a trip to change their lives. Luna and Shadow are two of these students, and are among the most gifted students that the GAES had to offer. They are the twenty-year-old twins from Florida: Luna is around five foot three about 130 pounds, with long silver hair, brilliant sapphire eyes and tan skin; and her brother Shadow is five foot eleven about 160 pounds with violet eyes and black hair, and tan skin. Their father sent both of them to GAES before he passed away in a mysterious accident during an archaeology trip to Tibet. Also on this trip was another very intelligent man named Scott, a twenty-one year old man about six foot two around 180 pounds of pure muscle with emerald green eyes and dark black hair and a full beard; he was an exchange student from Great Britain and was a close friend to Luna and Shadow. Finally there was Ashley, a stunning woman from Toronto, who just recently was accepted into the GAES. She is around five foot six about 135 pounds, with long flowing ruby red hair and aquamarine eyes.

The tour guide led them away to another exhibit, and began to talk about an ancient piece of wood. “I wanted to hear more about the Jade Emperor! “Said an impatient Shadow as he looked back at the painting of the heroes and marveled at its beauty. “I know! I don’t want to hear about some stupid piece of wood all day! Let’s sneak off, Scott can cover for us!” said Luna as glanced back and forth to see if anyone was watching them. As they suck off towards the painting, a loud voice came from an intercom, it first spoke in Chinese then followed German and several other languages before it came out in English: “The museum will be closing in 5 minutes, please make your way to the exits and have a great night here in Beijing!” Luna grabbed Shadow and moved him behind a wall so the group wouldn’t notice them, “Let’s stay the night here, the security guards don’t come out till after they clean! Let’s hide in the bathroom till they start to clean!” said Luna with a devilish smile. “What if we get in trouble? We could be kicked off the trip and sent home!” said a worried Shadow as he watched the group leave. “Trust me Shadow, I know we can pull this off! I saw it in a movie before!” said Luna with her hands on her hips in a heroic pose. “Fine! But if we get in trouble I’m going to blame this all on you!” said Shadow with his arms crossed and pouting. They sneak off to the bathrooms and hid in the stalls, around thirty minutes later; Luna sneaks out and hides near the bathroom doors waiting for Shadow. “Where the heck is he? I thought he would have left by now!” she whispered, just then a hand grabbed her shoulder and she screeched and jumped in the air, “Gotcha! Man that was too easy!” said Shadow as he began to laugh. “That wasn’t cool Shadow! What if the guards heard me? You almost got us in trouble!” said Luna angrily as she stormed off mad as can be, “Chill sis, let’s go to the armoury and look at the weapons! They are so cool and I hear they found the legendary weapons of the Twins!” said Shadow as he ran off towards the weapon exhibit. “Wait up Shadow!” said Luna as she runs to catch up with him. By the time she reached Shadow, he was already at the armoury’s doors trying to knock them down. “What’s wrong bro? Why are you beating at the doors?” said Luna as she stared at the doors. “They must have locked the doors when the museum closed! Damn it how are we going to get in?” wondered Shadow as he kicked the doors. Luna looked at the doors and spots a keypad on the wall and walks towards it. She spots greasy finger spots on the numbers and presses them a few times till the doors click and swing open slowly. They see many weapons from different countries till they see posters on the wall near some wooden doors. As she stares at the poster closely she reads “The Legendary weapons from the Jade Dynasty”, Luna taps Shadow on the shoulder and leads him to the entrance. “They must be in here! Let’s go in and explore!” says Luna as she opens the door and runs in. She stares at two weapons in particular, out of hundreds of weapons and suits of armour. A platinum glaive with a white wood pole, large sapphire crescent moons on each side of the blade and a small sapphire moon on the bottom of the pole. And a large black metal war hammer with two black dragons on each side of the hammer and a dragon’s head on the bottom. “WOW! These look like the weapons from the legend! What if they are really them?” asked Luna as she stared at the glaive lovingly. Shadow walks towards her and begins to stare widely at the war hammer, “This must be the greatest display in the world!” said Shadow as he looked deeply at the dragon on the hammer. “These are amazing! But the glaive is the best!” exclaimed Luna as turns towards Shadow, “No obviously the war hammer is the best part of this whole museum!” said Shadow as he beings to drool. “We got to Shadow! The guards are going to start their rounds and come this way!” said Luna worriedly, Shadow looks back at the war hammer then at Luna then says “I will be right there I want to look at some more pieces of armour!” Luna rolls her eyes and says “Fine! But hurry up I will look for a way out of here without alerting the guards!” as she walks away from him. Shadow wanders off towards the ancient jewelry when he noticed something on the ground and walks towards it, as he looks closer at it he realizes that it is a jade dragon holding two moons: one a black diamond and a sapphire. He looks left and right then grabs the statue, once his hand grabs the object he feels a hot water-like sensation flowing through all of his limbs and he sees blue flashes in his head and began to whisper ancient Chinese, once that sensation fades away he hides it in his jacket then runs off towards Luna. By the time he reaches Luna, he rushes her towards the nearest employee exit and hails the nearest cab,” Take us to the Jasmine Dragon hotel!” said Shadow as he hands the driver some money. “What’s going on? And why are we speeding to the hotel?” asked Luna puzzled and scared. “I just want to make sure we got a good room and the guards might have spotted us!” said Shadow with a cold sweat; Luna looks at him with some suspicion then shrugs. They finally reach the hotel and they walk towards their friend’s suite and knock on the door. “Scott open the door! Its Luna and Shadow, let us in!” said Luna very loudly, a few minutes later they hear a voice from the other side of the door say “Hold on, hold on, I’m coming. Jeez it’s like two in damn morning!” the door opens they see a tired Scott walk towards them in a purple robe. “We know, but let us in!” said Shadow as he looks at Scott, “Fine, fine, damn you guys are lucky I got us best suite in the whole hotel. Thank you wealthy parents! Your room is past the hot tub and entertainment centre then down the left hallway and Luna, your room is through right hallway past the water fountain, my room is past the statue of Mao in the middle hallway. We have most of this floor to our self; this suite is practically a mansion” Said Scott with a laugh. Both Luna and Shadow’s jaws dropped as they saw the vastness of their room and turned to him “How rich are you? This place is gigantic!” said Shadow very giddy. “It’s early and we have to wake up very early for the tour, so I’m going back to bed” said Scott as he tiredly shuffled back towards his room. “Good night sis, it is pretty late. I will see you in the morning, that is if I can find my way back here” says Shadow with a laugh as he walks away. Luna turns towards her room and says, “Night Shadow, I hope the beds are as amazing as the room!” she giggles. Once Shadow gets into his room, he takes out the statue and hides it in his dresser and covers it in clothes. “Hopefully no one will notice it’s gone,” said Shadow as he lies down in his bed and closes his eyes. The next morning Luna wakes up and does her morning routine when she notices her personal bathroom, a large room with a massive tub made from exquisite marble and statues that cries heated water into it and all the amenities she could ever need. An hour later she goes to the kitchen and sees Scott making a big breakfast and watching CNN. “Good Morning Scott! This place is very amazing, thank you again for treating us like this, you really didn’t have to do all this for us!” she said looking at him guiltily. “Don’t worry about it Luna, it is truly my treat. How are you? It was very late when we last spoke. I hope you don’t mind that I’m making us breakfast, I thought you might be hungry so I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.” Scott said blushing bright red as he brings her food and a rose all on a tray. As he was walking towards her, she glances at the TV and something catches her eye: “Breaking News from China as a priceless artifact was stolen last night from the Imperial Museum of Treasures. The object is a jade statue holding two moons that is over 3000 years old. A reward for the safe return of the object is set at 25 million dollars and any information must be reported to the Beijing Police Department.” says a newscaster with an obvious toupee on. “Wow! We were there last night…I mean afternoon” said Luna very sheepishly, “Its ok Luna, I know you and Shadow stayed behind, you guys really aren’t that sneaky. Oh! I got you something from the gift shop, I hope you like it” said Scott handing her a beautifully wrapped gift. She smiles widely and takes the present, “Thank you Scott! You really didn’t have to!” said Luna as she starts to unwrap her new gift. As she takes off the wrapping paper she sees a book about the Jade Empire and the Legend of the Twins. “Scott! I have been dying to get my hands on this book! How did you know?” says Luna as she hugs the book, then rushes over to him and hugs him tightly. “I am glad you like it, I had a hunch you wanted when you almost fainted when you saw they had an exhibit at the museum.” says Scott with a smile and a slight laugh. Shadow walks into the kitchen in a black robe holding a book and just walks to the coffee machine, grabs a cup and walks back to his room without saying a word. “Is everything alright with him? He was acting odd last night, what’s going on?” asked Scott worriedly. “It was a late night last night and he must still be half-asleep” said Luna as she grabs a cup of coffee and sits back down with Scott.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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