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We had just gotten to the aquarium where Anne worked, by we I mean Marcy and I. Anne saw us and her eyes flooded with tears, she walked up to us and we all hugged and if I'm being honest I was blushing but that's dumb right? I mean I didn't feel this way when I hugged Marcy just a while ago, then I realized it was Anne. I was too excited that I forgot the crush I've had on her. Marcy and I begged Anne to come with us on the car ride but she brought her car and didn't want to leave it. Before we left Anne decided to take a picture of us like when we were kids, the only difference was Anne was in the middle which was well deserved I definitely didn't want to be there again, in control, i wouldn't allow it. Marcy and I continued to catch up on the drive and we met up at a random fast food restaurant. Marcy forgot both of the presents in the car so we just ate instead. Me and Mars got a milkshake and Anne stole about half of mine because she didn't want one until we already had ours, I didn't really care it was sort of like those indirect kiss moments and I felt dumb, it was like being in middle school again. "So Sasha how have you been? We don't talk much anymore it makes me kinda sad" Anne said prior to taking a sip of my milkshake. I was sort of shocked I mean I know we have been friends forever but it still suprised me that she has missed talking to me. "Uhm- oh! I've been fine!! How have you been?" I took the milkshake back and stared into her eyes. "I've been pretty good, I love my job so it's been nice.." she looked a little sad and I shot her a look of distress. She quickly smiled to make it look like she wasn't upset but it was too late, she looked at Mar Mar and started to talk to them. I just continued to stare at Anne not even paying attention to what they were talking about. Anne finally noticed I was staring at her and I quickly looked at my phone trying to play it off. Anne continued her conversation with Marcy while I look through Instagram. Anne snatched my phone "What are you tired of us already?" I look up at her and got lost into her eyes again "Huh- uh no of course not!" She definitely noticed how awkward I seemed. It also made me upset that she'd accuse me of that but I kept my mouth shut. A waiter came by and asked us if we wanted anything else and I asked for some water, Anne and Marcy followed and asked for water too. The waiter eventually came and gave us our waters, they were ironically blue, pink, and green and we took our corresponding colors. We wrote bff on the picture just like the previous one we had. We continue to chat about life until I accidentally slip out a dumb question "Are any of you guys dating anyone?" I was specifically looking for Anne's answer and knew why, I wanted to date her, so bad too. Marcy responded no while joking that the reason was she was a nerd. Anne seemed uncomfortable and I knew why, she was dating someone wasn't she? I didn't have a chance. I was tense the rest of the time and Anne avoided the question. We all decided that we would meet up at Anne's house and we could give her the presents there. Me and Marcy went to my car while Anne went to hers, I felt bad because she had to drive alone and convinced Marcy to go with her even though Marcy's stuff was in my car. I kinda just thought about how me and Anne's relationship was and is, we are friends nothing more even though I knew I wanted it to be more. I could imagine her lips touch mine and- I had to stop myself. I closed my eyes, shook my head and started focusing on driving. The whole ride was like that where my mind would start to drift off and I'd have to pull myself together. "This is dumb. The first time we are back together in forever and all I want to do is kiss her..." I sighed heavily and finally got to Anne's house, it felt like ages but was only a few minutes. Anne and Marcy beat me to the house and I knocked on the door politely even though I knew Anne would tell me I didn't need to knock. Anne and Marcy opened the door and of course like I suspected Anne told me I could just let myself in. I said it was fine and I wanted to be polite. We went to Anne's room and hung out for a few hours until it became dark. We let Marcy pick out a movie and promised we wouldn't fall asleep. Marcy decided to sit on the floor and me and Anne sat on her bed. About halfway through the movie Anne grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers. My heart started pounding as I pretended to focus on the movie. Anne quietly started talking. "Your hands are sweaty Sash." I started to move my hand away but Anne grabbed it. "No wait... I don't care I was just saying..." She looked up at me and her eyes were sparkling. She held my hand then looked back at the movie and my heart couldn't help but flutter. I stared at her hand for a while, it was so soft unlike mine that were calloused from working out so much, I didn't stop working out after Amphibia and did it in my spare time. Anne didn't seem to mind though and I tried to focus on the movie but couldn't stop thinking about Anne. When the movie ended Marcy asked us how it was. Anne started talking about the plot and stuff while I didn't understand because I wasn't paying attention. Then Marcy asked me how I thought it was and I didn't know how to respond. "It was great! I loved it Mar Mar!" Was all I could get out. It wasn't nearly as good as Anne's rating but Marcy still seemed happy with it. Anne let go of my hand and I almost reached out to grab her hand again, I never wanted to let go but I did. Marcy was suprisingly the first one to fall asleep, it was probably because of their long flight. Anne watched me as I took out my earings and I knew she was watching. I tried to not act awkward but it was hard not to. I sat back down on the bed. "I can sleep on the floor you know that right? Marcy seems content there or I can pick them up and put them on your bed." Anne shook her head "No you can sleep on here! There is enough room." "No it's fine really!" Anne seemed kind of disappointed but agreed to let me sleep on the ground. She started looking at me then said "I like your new haircut it looks nice!" She started stroking my hair and I couldn't help but blush. I stood up and was about to sit on the ground before Anne grabbed my waist and pulled me close to her she put her head on my back. I could feel her breathing on me. "Please.. can you sleep up here? I miss you guys and it's been way too long.." I couldn't resist and layed down next to her. We stared at eachother for a good minute before I looked up at the ceiling, I knew she was staring again but didn't want to look back. I knew she didn't have a crush on me even after all these years I still haven't entirely made it up to her and it wasn't fair to her. What if I snapped at her and she never forgives me and thinks I'm the same person from all those years ago. I couldn't let that happen. Eventually me and Anne both fell asleep I was sleeping in an extremely weird position that looked uncomfortable but was actually pretty comfortable. Until I had a nightmare, it started off with me and Anne hanging out then all of a sudden it felt right and I kissed her, at first it was fine but then she pulled away her expression angry, she looked at me in disgust "WHAT THE FUCK!" I couldn't get anything out. Anne started laughing " YOU like me don't you?" "Anne I-" she backed up "after all you've done? You think I would EVER like you... you haven't changed I know it, you still just want control and that's what this is, another way to control me..." "No! Anne I swear it's not-!" "Liar, how could I trust you, you've broken my trust so many times, I would never ever like you..." I woke up in a cold sweat and was crying. I covered my mouth and tried not to wake Anne up, it felt like I was about to throw up. "Huh...?" I heard a small groan from Anne and couldn't help but make a small whimpering sound. "Sasha?" She rubbed her eyes and looked up at me confused. She started to wake up more and realized I was crying. "Oh Sash.." she inched closed to me where out faces were almost touching and wiped the tears off my face. I took a deep breath in and she asked me what was wrong. "I had a-" I stuttered a bit not wanting to tell Anne plus I was crying. "nightmare, that's stupid I know I'm acting like a little kid..." she wrapped her arms around me "no it's not stupid..." she let me out of her hug, she was sitting on her knees and was holding both my hands in hers. I realized I was about to throw up and ran to the backroom. "Sasha..?" I kept running just trying not to throw up on her floor and made it in time "oh shit.." she said in reply. I cleaned up my face and felt bad for throwing up. She'd never wanna kiss me now that my lips tasted like throw up, I slightly laughed to myself. Anne kept her arm around me and layed next to me again after I felt well enough to get up and lay down on the bed. I kept drinking water and trying to wash the gross taste out of my mouth. "Yuck..." Anne chuckled and kept looking into my eyes. I looked at hers back and we just stared for a while. I looked down at her lips slightly and quickly looked up realizing she probably saw me do it considering we were having eye contact. She looked away and I fell back asleep. Gladly I didn't have another nightmare and when I woke up the throw up taste was gone. Anne woke up before me and Marcy, I woke up last. Marcy said Anne was making breakfast. I rushed downstairs making sure not to trip. It smelt amazing, she was an excellent cook. "Oh! Goodmorning Sasha!!" Anne said, I was still half awake. "Goodmorning... it smells great in here" "Thank you!" She responded kindly. It was strange, she is a very nice person but it was weird seeing her THIS nice, either something is up or she just really misses us. "What are you making?" "Omlettes! Do you want the first one?" "Nah, I just threw up a few hours ago so I'll have mine after Mar Mar" "Okay!" She made Marcy's omlette, them mine, and last one for herself. Marcy was almost done with theirs by the time Anne sat down with us and ate. I saved mine for when Anne sat down with us but ate a few bites before because it looked so good. I devoured it a little too fast than I should have considered I threw up but I was fine. Marcy was getting changed and I decided to help Anne clean the kitchen. We got it done pretty quickly with the both of us, the whole time Anne kept glancing at me. After we all got ready there was this event in town that we decided to go to, maybe we could see some people from school. I didn't really want to go but Anne did and wanted to see some of her old friends so I didn't complain. When we got it wasn't much, just people from our community and stuff, there was a snack table but it was all outside. Marcy decided to talk to some people that they wanted to catch up with and I just hung out around the table not really caring for the event. Anne eventually left my side and went to catch up too. Then one of old cheerleader teammates saw me. She decided to come up to me and talk to me, I never wanted to leave more, some of the people from cheerleading weren't the friendliest people to say the least. "Hey Sasha, how have you been?" "Uh I've been fine..." I was obviously uncomfortable and didn't want to talk to her. "Ugh your such a dick, no wonder Anne stopped hanging out with you"


"What the fuck..." I snapped at her and it was the only thing i could get out. Anne said she missed me right? Or maybe she just said that? Or it was toward Marcy? I was confused but tried to focus on her. She burst out into laughing "Wow you believe me too!" She scoffed and I was just trying to keep myself together. Don't show weakness around these types if people they will pray on that I kept telling myself. I was looking for Anne and spotted her she look at me, smiled, then her expression melded into sadness when she saw the desperate look on my face, she told the person she was talking to something than quickly trotted towards me. The ex cheerleader backed off slightly when Anne came up to me. Anne grabbed me by the collar, pulled me slightly down so we were on the same level because i was taller tham her by an inch probably and she started acting flirtatious, probably to get her to go away but my heart still fluttered when it happened. "Heyyy Sashy" "uhm, heyy Boonchuy" I put my arms on her shoulders and the ex cheerleader finally left. "Thanks Anne..." "of course Sasha!" She let go of me and so I let go of her. She walked out of the crowd while dragging me by the hand so we didn't lose eachother. We got to a semi-sunny area and sat down on a bench. "What happened Sasha? You seemed really upset" "It was nothing I swear!" I was still obviously upset but Anne didn't want to pester me. "I hope Marcy is having fun" Anne said, "yeah me too.." I wasn't exactly paying attention. "I'm gonna go find Marcy" it felt so awkward sitting there so I had to have an excuse. "I can get her!" Anne insisted so I allowed her to get Marcy instead. "Shit they probably don't want me here..." I quickly rushed to the car. I was biting my lip trying to cough back the tears. Don't cry Sasha. Don't be a fucking loser and keep yourself together. My phone dinged next to me and I grabbed it, it was Anne. I sighed before checking it.

Anne: where did you go???
Sasha: I'm fine don't worry
Anne: But I am worried Sasha, also I found Marcy if you want we can leave
Sasha: no it's fine!! You guys have a good time

Anne didn't answer after that and I just cried. And cried. And cried. After probably 20 minutes to an hour I heard Anne and Marcy talking and walking towards the car. I quickly tried to put myself together to the best of my ability and put on music and turned it down a lot because I didn't really want to listen to it but didn't want to act out of the ordinary. "Hey Sasha!" They said in unison almost. "Hey!" I tried to be as enthusiastic as possible. "We should get going it's getting late" Anne said while getting in the passenger seat. "Yeah we should..." I was tired of this fucking place and just wanted to lay down. Marcy got in the car and I rubbed my eyes. I was silent the whole way back to Anne's house while Marcy was talking about their webcomic to Anne but I was too pissed to even care. When we finally got to Anne's Marcy came up to me "Sasha are you alright you seem kind of upset?" "Yeah. I'm fine." My tone seemed a little too firm for my liking and immediately regretted it. Shit I'm being an asshole again. I kept my mouth shut until we got inside, it was dark by the time we got home. Marcy collapsed on the ground where they still had their stuff set up from the previous night. I sat on the bed making sure to sit up straight even though it made me look awkward. I had my hands in my lap. Marcy put another movie on, romantic onw this time and fell asleep first again which is still a shock for me considering Marcy used to be the last asleep. I was still sitting up, Anne was laying beside me and I was trying not to look at her. God she was so pretty but I can't keep having this stupid crush.

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