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Taehyun, a 5 year old, sits on one of the old crusty benches in the park close to his house. He kicks around the rocks while waiting for his dad to collect all his toys and go home.

"Taehyun-ahh dad needs to go to the store quickly. Can you wait here for a few minutes?" His dad crouched down, talking slowly for his son to understand. He nodded softly, still playing with small rocks.

"Good boy." He ruffled Taehyun's hair as he stood up and rushed to the nearby 7/11.

Taehyun was a shy kid in the size of a peanut and never really talked in front of the other children as they were too loud for his liking. However two children approached him.

"Hi Tae! My name is Beomgyu and this clumsy boy is my friend Kai." The kid, Beomgyu, exclaimed as he put out his hand for Taehyun to shake it.

"I-I'm Taehyun, nice t-to m-meet you." He spoke quietly trying to not seem rude. The two taller boys were the first ever to actually talk to him on the playground.

"You are so cute!" Kai shouted, but calmed down seeing Taehyun close his ears with his hands.

And that is how their friendship started and slowly got stronger and better over the endless hours spent on the playground.


Going forward a few, in particular 6 years, Taehyun was now a 11 year old young boy whose life was going well, since he has been friends with the duo. They always hung out, although Taehyun never really spoke about anything, he still enjoyed the time spent with them.

Until that one specific day made it in the calendar.. Taehyun's father has cared dearly about Taehyun, but he never got the same amount of attention from his mother, who has always been busy with work.

His father was just the best, but every best has to come to an end and when they got a call from the hospital, telling them that his precious father has two more weeks to live..Taehyun, although in young age, felt his heart being crushed to pieces, he was devastated.

Taehyun did not go to school, he spent the days crying and crying, then going to visit his dad and back home. His mother, once again, not caring and only ocassionally bringing home a bag of instant ramen for Taehyun to eat.

Which he did not. Instead he threw it in the trash on his way to the hospital.

In the hospital, they would play games, watch TV and sometimes even play hide and seek with the nurses. Taehyun thought this made his dad feel better.

And it did, although after Taehyun left, his father once again fell into the deep thoughts. Not wanting to accept the truth that was coming soon.

When the said day came, Taehyun was in rush to see his dad once more, but his mom stopped him. She hugged him closely as she whispered:

"He is gone honey, I am sorry."

And that was the only and last time in his life that he felt love coming from his mom, the real love.

Taehyun cried while his screams were muffled into his mom's shoulder. "I have to leave soon Taehyun-ahh, however your friends will come over. I just texted them and they said they will take care of you."

His mom explained, standing up and straightening her blazer - going back to her old self. She left Taehyun there on the floor, crying and whimpering until he felt another strong pair of arms wrap around his bony shoulders.

"Hey Tae, we are here for you. Always will be." Beomgyu whispered, trying to make the boy calm down.

Taehyun nodded and looked up to see his two only friends smile softly at him, with worry painted across their faces.

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