chapter 3

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nate was walking home with his harem one day when he saw a certain girl from his class surprisingly getting beat by ray o'light 

ray o'light: god damn i hate you so much no one will ever love you

??? turned into her original form (i bet you know who it is now)


drizzelda: i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry

ray o'light: sorry isn't good enough

he was about to hit her again when his arm was grabbed by nate

nate: what the hell are you doing

drizzelda looked up to see nate defending her and her eyes lit up

drizzelda blushed a bit

drizzelda: (he's... helping me?)

ray o'light: tch and who are you supposed to be 

nate: nate adams

ray o'light: w-wait the yo kai m-master 

nate: people are still calling me that?

ray o'light: whatever 

ray o'light goes for a punch but nate counters it and knocks him out in a single powerful punch

nate then walks over to drizzelda who flinches

but a hit never comes

she looks up and sees he's holding out his hand for her despite his harem looking jealous and pouting

she takes his hand while crying and when she got up she hugged him

venoct: so unfair

kyubi: i know right he should be hugging me not her

blizzie: hehe oh silly i think you meant me

hailey: nuh uh he'd so choose me 

foiletta: no way he totally wants me hell i'll take his virginity to prove it

venoct: hah to slow already took it

everyone: HUH

nate and drizzelda looked over to see his harem in a puff of smoke fighting and sweat dropped

drizzelda looked back at nate and blushed before kissing him on the lips which got all the girls to watch in jealousy

harem: me next

nate blushed

drizzelda hugged his arm

drizzelda: i'm joining your harem whether you like it or not

(quick A.N okay so something i realised uh i'm only really good at coming up for an idea of an au but like really crap at playing it out... sad D: )

nate: i don't mind

then end... yeah i know i fucking suck

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