I work hard to make this house a home

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I proof read this, so this might be better quality than the Ao3 version.


A knock at the door wasn't an unfamiliar thing anymore. It didn't send Darlin' into a frenzy whenever they heard the door open, and it in fact made them smile when they remembered the vamp had a key to their place now. 

'Come in.' They spoke after a few seconds, putting down their hands and getting ready to rise from the floor from where they were stretching. Sam entered the living room, shopping bags in his hands.

'I'm glad you took my advice. You look better already.' He teased softly as he saw them gather their legs, a smile accompanying his words as he set down the (Darlin' counted) three bags. 

Still getting used to the idea that that was a good thing, Darlin' stood on their feet, shaking their limbs before they approached their mate.

Wrapping their arms around his neck 'Are you sure it's the stretching and not the fact that you threw out my red bull?' They kissed him, smiling back. 

'You noticed, huh?' He chuckled, wrapping his arms around them, tired after being out during the day and having to be careful as to not, y'know, die. 

'Speaking of noticing...' They not-so-subtly glanced at the bags next to the two's feet, pulling away slightly as they attempted to peek inside the paper bags.

He kept them upright, his hands still on their shoulder and  Darlin's waist.

'What, is it a "surprise"' they mocked with their fingers and rolled their eyes.

No verbal response, just a grin. 

'Ugh, fine' They sighed, leaning into the vamp's body.  

After a moment, they stood firmly again, pulling away and making their way to the couch. 'Wha'd'ya get?' They asked, sitting down with their legs apart, elbows on their knees. 

'Well,' Sam began as he looked around at the empty apartment, any less furniture and you'd think it was abandoned except for a measly rug that was already witheringly despite hardly being walked on 'considering you live here, and for an extended period of time now, I thought it would be nice to...give this place some life.' 

He put the rustling bags onto the coffee table and reached into one of them.

The vamp lifted out a cardboard tray of small plants, namely succulents, and placed it on the table. 

Darlin', not saying anything, was just listening and watching their mate's ideas. They smiled and picked up one of the little pots and held it in their hand, leaning back against the couch as Sam explained where they could put them in the rooms. 

The wolf then frowned 'I've never been good with plants, and yes, I know that these are desert plants, however I have killed a succulent before.' 

Honestly, it might be a not-so-hidden talent. 

'I'm not saying I don't appreciate, I'll do my best, I'm just saying don't expect any–' 

'Darlin' it's fine, I'm not expectin' nothin'. And, considering I'm here at least twice a week, if I notice they're on their way out I'll water them too,' the vamp sighed 'and if they still die, well so be it. Sound good?'

They nodded, putting the succulent back in the tray with another gentle smile. 

Reaching into the next bag, Sam huffed. ''Alright, now I have noticed how painfully bare these walls are, so,' he pulled out two rolled up posters.'I found these.' Darlin' quirked an eyebrow. 

The vamp unrolled one of them, showing one of the wolf's favourite bands. 'Do you like it?' He could tell they could from the slight grin, asking out of habit. 

'I love it, Sam. I didn't have posters or anything growing up, it's nice to...'
"show appreciation for their music"? No, that sounds stupid 'It's nice to have someone who recognises my interests.' They went with being honest, looking at the floor. 

'Of course, Darlin'. He put the poster down, walking around the table and kneeling down next to them, catching their gaze. 

'It was mainly a money issue, nothing tragic.' They rushed, realising it sounded a little harsh on their parents. 'Didn't want to damage walls or "pay for something you'll outgrow".' They chuckled to make light of the sentence. 

Their features sank. 'Speaking of money, how much did all of this cost?' They glared at him. 

'That– is none of your concern. They're gifts.' He mirrors their face as he stands. Holding one of their hands, he leaned down and kissed it. 

Sam turned around —knowing that Darlin' would be fussy if he saw them flustered by the action— to the last bag. 

The vamp shifted the paper bag on its side and slid out two items, turning around holding each in his hands. 

He held one arm higher, 'A clock, 'cause you need to see the clock and actually see when you need to go to bed . And' he lifted the other arm 'a calendar, 'cause you need to be more organised.' He smirked, placing his haul on the table and satisfied with his reasoning. 

'Y'know I could do this all on my phone, right?' The wolf remarked, Sam placed the items on the coffee table before facing Darlin' again. 

Their mate scoffed 'Yeah, but for one, some non-destructive real world interaction is healthy, and like I already mentioned: bare walls.' 

Darlin' squinted, then sighed. 'Alright, I'm sold. Now, wanna sit down and sleep for a few hours?' They patted the couch next to them. 

'Now, how do i know you're not just bribin' me so I don't ask about your day?' Sam asked sarcastically, already sitting down beside his partner. 

'Same way I know not to ask about yours when you've been out during the day.' The wolf wrapped their arms around him as they both shifted to their sides. 

'If you are interested, I'll tell you about it later. My day, I mean.' Darlin' groaned, eyelids already getting heavy. 

Sam only hummed in response, feeling their heartbeat against his chest, calming him down similarly. 

Soon they were both dozed off, sleeping dreamless. The two had all they needed for now, a safe space, and a safe person.

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