Don't punch vampires.

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Hi, I don't know if I'm back, but I wrote this on the train. Yay.
Enjoy, please. Maybe.

Sam wasn't sure how the two got into this situation, in fact, he wasn't sure what the situation even was.
Darlin' fuming, standing in front of a man, an Illusory, about a head taller than them,  while he laughed and pointed a figure at them.
"–little puppy."
That snapped the vampire out of his contemplating.

"Ex-fuckin'-xcuse you?" Darlin started raising their voice.
"I said 'you're like his little puppy', or are your little mutt ears not working." The illusory teased, he waved his fingers, forming a collar and mock-paw gloves on Darlin'.

That crossed a line.

Sam stepped in front of his wolf, who was attempting to shake the illusion magic of, while trying to not shift right then and there.
The vampire, knowing all too well that their reputation of 'Tank' wasn't just talk, attempted to remedy the situation before it could get further out of hand, or…paw?.
"Listen here buddy, maybe you should quit messin' around" he glanced over his shoulder, darlin' stopped trying to shake the accesories off, now breathing heavily and tesing their muscles; attempting not to shift by using grounding methods. Smart wolf, "and leave, before this gets ugly."

"Oh, I can handle ugly, fucker."

"Yeah true, if you can see your own reflection you must be used to it" Darlin' practically barked.
That pissed the stranger off.
Looking first at Darlin' then Sam, his face got increasingly scrunched up.
He threw a punch against the vamp, which was a bad move in foresight and hindsight.
All that was heard through out the bar was the crack of some fingers; a yelp of anguish; people minding their business playing pool in the background; and the music (Firecracker by Josh Turner).

Darlin' burst out in their classic hyena laugh, while Sam just sighed and crouched next the man-child on the floor cradling his hand and shoulder.
The 'not-a-healer' gently clasped the Illusory's hand and elbow, sending warm waves of magic through his arm. The man exclaimed a number of profanities, but eventually piped down and dozed off after the manager and Tank dragged him to a booth in the corner.

The couple apologised to the patrons and the staff, before hurrying through the door and running to the car in the lot.
The wolf couldn't stop cackling, even Sam chuckled slightly before sighing once more.

He embraced Darlin', who if course returned the affection.
He pulled back, holding their face in his palms "Are you okay?".
They giggled (which they would deny later) "Yes. Yes, I am more than okay." With them grinning ear to ear, the vampire could hear their heartbeat. Slow but strong, looks like those breathing exercises are working well. Bless that 'Camelowhatever', that Daemon works wonders.

"I love you".
"No way, really?" They retorted, smirking and scrunching up their nose.
Darlin' gave their partner a smooch on the nose, before turning around to the car and opening the drivers side door.
"Uh-huh, no way are you driving." Sam scoffed.
"Too late, besides we have somewhere to be."
"Are you implying I'm a slow driver?" The vampire fiended offense.
"Maybe, maybe not." They were already turning the keys.
"You're more than a menace, you know that right?" Sam gave in, chackling as he sat in the passenger seat.
"Yes, but you live me, remember?" They winked as they put on their seatbelt.
"I do, with every ounce of my being."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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