Heartstopper (Netflix) - Day 1 : Gay - Nick/Charlie

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Prompt : Write an M/M fic (can be fluff, hurt/comfort, whatever you see fit) OR a gen fic in which a gay male character (can be a canon or headcanoned character) is coming out to/being comforted by/otherwise talking about sexuality with his friend(s)

"Hey" Nick said gently as he entered the other boy's now-familiar bedroom. Charlie looked up at him and smiled. They weren't out yet, but everything about this was just so good (and notably far different than it had been with Ben) that he genuinely didn't even mind that bit. He was just happy to be with him.

"Hello" Charlie replied, standing up from his bed and walking over to give his... Partner? A kiss on the cheek. Nick chuckled at the gesture, but it wasn't a mean or cynical laugh. No, it was a laugh of joy, as though he didn't believe he was this lucky either. "Is everything alright? You seem tired"

"Eh, just a... Long day, I suppose" Nick replied with a shrug, following Charlie back to the bed. Charlie lied down, pulling the rugby star with him as he did so. Nick didn't even protest, as he was just very tired. He shut his eyes, not falling asleep but certainly resting. Charlie couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"You're adorable when you're all peaceful like this, you know that?" he asked, getting a small laugh out of the ginger.

"Shut up"

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