The Tangerine Bear - Day 19 : Internalized Arophobia - Bird & Virgil

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Prompt : In which either an aromantic character struggles with internalized arophobia and either a friend or a queerplatonic partner helps them

He was happy for Tangie and Jack. He was glad they had someone to lean on like that. Glad that they'd found each other...

It didn't make the loneliness hurt any less, though.

He knew he'd never have what they had. Even if some new toy came along, he wouldn't fall in love with them. Not in that way. And that was... Fine. It had to be fine. He had to be fine because really it was his own fault for not feeling that way for people. Cold he thought, feeling the familiar shame over this lack of romantic feelings for others. Heartless. Alone forever

"Hello, Bird" Virgil said as he walked over to the windowsill where the toys stayed. Bird popped out the front of his house, in the middle of sweeping. He liked for things in his home to be neat and clean, even if it was just for himself. "Good morning"

"Good morning, Virgil" Bird replied with a small smile. Jack and Tangie were still resting, cuddled up together on the other side of the windowsill. Virgil must've seen Bird's sad expression because he hopped and propped himself up on the platform to get a closer look at the small toy.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know..." Bird mumbled, feeling frustrated with himself. "I'm happy for them, I really am" he gestured at the other two toys. "But I guess it just made me realize how lonely I feel when they're so happy together- It's kind of selfish"

"Do you want someone like that?" Virgil asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. Bird shook his head.

"That's the thing. I don't necessarily want that kind of relationship with someone" he explained. "That's weird, right? I mean, it's kind of my own fault that I feel so alone"

"It's not weird" Virgil assured him. "And, for the record, I'm here to talk whenever you want" he added with a toothy grin. Bird returned him a smile at this. Maybe the dog was right. Maybe he wasn't weird. Not for that at least.

"Thank you, Virg'"

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