5.The Vanishing Glass and Polyjuice Potion

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    "l'm guys just remember that your bedrooms have no beds so l'm gonna get some sleeping bags for you guys l'll be back just wait and Stephanie and Hermione you two in charge Hermione on the movie because you know how to work it and Stephanie for calming people down when they've got out of control because of the movies and prof. Mcgonagall you can help Steph too so bye'' Sophia said and she teleported out of there.

"So let's play it now" said Hermione. 

"10 years later"

The screen showed a red-hair girl brewing a potion in her little chimney she looked delighted and poored the orange liquid on the little bottle and add some dark brown hair on it and mix it with a little thin stick.

"A polyjuice but that was a difficult potion" said Severus 

"Yes it is took me a month to get it ready" said Steph proudly, and everybody looked empress (except Umbrigde and the Carrows). 

The girl open the window and showed it was the middle of the night she put the bottle of potion in her bedside table and get into her pj's. She yawned "time for bed" she looked on the clocked that said 'Midnight 11o'clock' she got onto her bed and slowly drifted to sleep. 

"You know cub, you shouldn't stay that long awaked" said Remus. 

"Oh Dad, it was just for a little fun you'll see" Arinya said, and she winked at Steph who gave her a grin. 

"Weasel it's that the time you know?'' asked Draco to Steph. 

"Yes it is Ferret, now let's continue'' Steph said, no one understand the nicknames for, (except the bronze quintet and army). 

The screen now showed the Privet Drive and nothing had change inside the house except for the portraits who now showed a blond hair boy riding his first racing bike but there was no sign of the other boy who lived there Harry Potter, was sleeping peacefully when auntie Petunia come knocking loudly at the door of his cupboard under the stairs. 

"YOU SLEEP IN A BLOODY CUPBOARD!" said James angrily who looked ready to kill, Lily tried to calm him down but he just shuffle on the Gryffindor couch that he was sitting on. 

"Wake up! Wake up!!" auntie Petunia say while banging the door loudly Harry sit bolt upright and started looking for socks and taked off the spiders in it and put it on. "Are you up yet?!" asked aunt Petunia "nearly" answered Harry "well hurry up boy l want you to check on the bacon don't let it burn l want everything perfect for Dudley's birthday"  said aunt Petunia. Harry got out of his cupboard and started preparing breakfast. 

"See dad you don't have to worry, l'm perfectly fine" said Harry rolling his eyes to his father who have a looked in his eye as if he was ready to kill the Dursleys. 

The scene change again and it now showed the red-hair girl jumping up and down on the bed of her sister. "Arinya it's finished you can do it now" said the girl "Steph really alright give it to me'' Arinya said waking up "Do you got his clothes?" asked Steph "ofcourse" answered Arinya, Steph give the bottle to Arinya she drink it and put on the larged clothes now Steph is looking at her uncle Remus

Steph, Arinya, Pansy, Draco, Daphne and Blaise are all laughing knowing what will happen next. 

"Change your voice'' said Steph Remus/Arinya nodd he/she cleared his/her throat "What the heck!" he/she exclaimed and Steph gave him/her a thumbs up. they went downstairs in to the kitchen where Remus was preparing breakfast with Molly. Remus/Arinya walked in and acted shocked "What the heck! " said Remus/Arinya. Remus and Molly looked at his/her direction and Molly looked half shocked half confused, while Remus was had nothing in mind of what to do. 

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