6.The Letter From Hogwarts

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"No meals for one week!" said James angrily

"Snacks Ready!" said Pansy, Daphne and Steph in unison. Steph and Daphne walked around to everyone giving them sandwiches and Pumpkin juice. Pansy make her way to Umbridge. 

"Would you like some Pumpkin juice, proffessor?" asked Pansy in a polite manner. 

"I would love to miss Parkinson" said Umbridge, Pansy gave her a goblet of Pumpkin juice and she looked at Stephs direction who's handing sandwiches to the Ravenclaws, Pansy holds the tip of her wand to signal Steph 'you've done it' thought Steph teleporting that to Pansy's mind 'Yes, this will be fun' Pansy thought and she know that Steph know that because Steph winks at her so she winks back. Steph walk to the kitchen as she sees that everyone all got snacks she put the trays back at the kitchens and hed to the Slytherin carpet along with Pansy and Daphne. Steph sit down beside Draco on the Slytherin couch she was seating on earlier, Draco quickly put his arms around Steph and place her on his lap. 

"Done it my little Weasel" whisper Draco, Steph nodd and Steph place her lips on Draco's lips they've deepen there kiss, until they were snogging and making out on the couch......

Someone cleared there throat and they've heard Umbridge scream that causes them to full away. 

"Finally l thought you two were gonna undress each other" said Severus seriously glaring at his daughter. 

"What happened?" asked Steph and Draco in unison and innocently acting. 

"Nothing you know you two making out and that woman over there all of her hair fall out" said Severus, the room was filled with people trying not to laugh at 'Bald Umbridge', but the Bronze Quintet and Army smile at each other. 

"Dad are you alright with me and Draco dating?" asked Steph. 

"Ofcourse l'm alright with it Narcissa and Lucius seem to be happy about it to" said Severus

"Yes we are but you two are not sharing a bed until you guys graduated because of what l saw" Narcissa said in a motherly serious tone

"But---" Draco started but Steph cut it out 

"Let the movie reveal it Ferret"said Steph and Draco nodd 

"Let's continue, miss Granger if you will start it" said prof. Mcgonagall, Hermione nodd and she played the movie on where they stop. 

The scene change morning and saw Steph was sleeping when an owl wake her up she sat bolt upright, waking up shocked she saw a letter with green stamp ang a large 'H' in the middle of four red,green,blue and yellow that each have animals on it, she smile delighted and started jumping up and down at her bed giggling happily

"Hogwarts letters always the best thing" said Lily.

"l got it! l got it!" scream Steph rushing down thw stairs to the dining room close to the kitchen "Hogwarts here l come" said Steph who gave the letter to her uncle Remus "Alright will get your supplies at the end of July" said Remus and Steph nodd. "Uncle you said that l got something at Gringgotts" said Steph "Yes your grandmother left you something will go there first thing before we buy your stuffs" said Remus "Alright" said Steph happily finally that she and probably Ron are going to where Arinya and the twins are learning it all. 

"So my mother left you something?" asked Severus 

"A lot of somethings" said Steph

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